Chapter One

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The sun was setting on what used to be a bustling metropolis, now reduced to rubble and debris. Avery picked her way through the wreckage, her eyes scanning the empty streets for any sign of the undead. They had been roaming the earth for as long as she could remember, ever since the outbreak decimated the population.

Avery's parents were leaders of one of the few surviving communities, a walled-off compound that offered protection from the hordes of flesh-eating monsters that roamed the world. It wasn't easy, but they had managed to eke out a life for themselves in this new, post-apocalyptic reality.

As the last rays of sunlight disappeared behind the horizon, Avery quickened her pace. It was almost time for the gates to close, and she didn't want to be left outside when the dead came out to play. She could hear the moans and shuffling footsteps of the undead getting closer, and she knew she had to move fast.

Just as she was about to reach the safety of the gates, a hand shot out from the shadows and grabbed her arm. Avery let out a scream as she was dragged into the darkness, unsure of what fate awaited her at the hands of the living or the dead. Avery's heart was pounding in her chest as she struggled to free herself from the grip of the hand that had dragged her into the shadows. But as she turned to face her attacker, she was relieved to see the familiar face of her younger brother, JJ.

"JJ! What the hell are you doing?! You scared the crap out of me!" she exclaimed, trying to catch her breath.

JJ just chuckled and let go of her arm. "Sorry, sis. I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to get back to the compound before the gates closed."

Avery glared at him, still trying to calm her racing heart. "You can't just go sneaking up on people like that, especially not in this world. You know how dangerous it is out here."

JJ's smile faded as he nodded. "Oh, come on... Lighten up a little!!"

Avery sighed and shook her head. JJ had always been the lighthearted one, the one who couldn't take anything too seriously. But in this new world, where the dead walked among the living, it was important to stay vigilant at all times.

"Come on," she said, taking his hand and leading him back towards the compound. "Let's get back before the gates close. Mom and Dad will be worried."

As they made their way through the deserted streets, Avery couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. It was as if the undead were watching them, waiting for the right moment to strike. She quickened her pace, determined to get her brother back to the safety of the compound as soon as possible.

The gates of the compound loomed ahead, and Avery let out a sigh of relief as they approached. She could see the guards standing atop the walls, their guns trained on the darkness beyond. As they reached the gates, they were met by their father, Kurt. Kurt was a tall, imposing man, with a stern look on his face. He was the leader of their community, as well as the commander of the security team.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Kurt asked, his voice laced with anger. "You know the rules. No one is allowed outside the gates after dark."

Avery hung her head, feeling guilty for breaking the rules. "We went on a scouting mission, but we got separated on the way back. I'm sorry, Dad."

Kurt's expression softened slightly, and he let out a sigh. "You're lucky you made it back in one piece. These streets aren't safe for anyone, especially at night. You two need to be more careful."

Avery nodded, knowing her father was right. She and JJ made their way through the gates, grateful to be back in the safety of the compound. As they walked through the streets towards their home, they were greeted by their mother, Bethany. She was a petite woman, with a kind face and a comforting presence.

"Thank goodness you're both okay," she said, giving them each a hug. "I was so worried when I heard you were out there after dark."

Avery hugged her mother back, feeling the familiar warmth of her embrace. "We're sorry, Mom. We didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Bethany smiled and patted her on the head. "I know you didn't. Just try to be more careful, okay? We can't afford to lose any more people to the undead."

Avery nodded, promising to be more careful in the future. As they entered their home, she couldn't help but feel grateful for her family and the safety of their community. But she knew that the dangers of the outside world were always lurking, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Avery let out a sigh as she got into bed, looking out her window.

'There has to be more people out there' she thought to herself. She couldn't help but shake the feeling that beyond the walls there was more. Maybe a bigger community. Maybe something bigger than everyone. Avery chose to let her thoughts drift and closed her eyes to sleep. Tomorrow will be a new day.

The sun had barely risen over the horizon when Avery was awoken by the sound of shouting and commotion. She groggily sat up in bed, trying to shake the sleep from her head. She swung her feet over the side of her bed and wrapped her jacket over her arms.

As she made her way outside, she could see a large cloud of smoke in the distance. The people of the community were in a panic, standing around in a circle and shouting. Avery's father, Kurt, was trying to calm them down, shouting above the din.

"Everyone, please stay calm! A team is already on the way to scout the area. We don't know what's causing the smoke, but we need to remain vigilant and stay prepared."

Avery's heart raced as she watched the scene unfold. She had a feeling that this was not just some random fire, and she was determined to find out what was really going on. She knew how the system worked. They would only share enough information to keep people calm, and then leave out the important details.

She grabbed her younger brother, JJ, by the arm and pulled him aside. "We have to go check it out ourselves," she whispered. "We can't just sit here and wait for someone else to tell us what's going on."

JJ nodded, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of adventure. "I'm with you, sis. Let's do this."

Avery quickly made her way back to her home to gather some supplies, including a first aid kit and a few weapons. She knew that whatever was causing the smoke could be dangerous, and she wanted to be prepared.

As they set off towards the smoke, Avery couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. She kept a close eye on their surroundings, her hand always hovering near her weapon. They had to be careful, because in this new world, danger could come from any direction. By the time they arrived at the source of the smoke, it was already too late. The fire had burned through this small community with ease, leaving them scared and covered in soot.

A familiar face came into view, and it was one from back home. She worked in Med Bay with Avery's mother. Hailey was leaned over, tending to one of the wounded. She must have come out with the initial recon team to see what was happening.

"Hailey." Avery shouted, making her way over to the brunette, "What happened?"

Hailey rose to her feet in order to meet in the middle, "They don't know, but it definitely wasn't an accident. A few of them say they swore they saw the attackers. They're referring to them as the 'raiders'."

"Wasn't an accident? What do you mean?" JJ questioned.

Avery let out a breath and looked over the now burnt camp, "It means someone did this on purpose. Means we need to get back home."

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