Chapter Three

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Avery and Hailey had managed to find a secluded area that was safe enough to spend their first nights as outcasts. For the first time since the dead were among the living, Avery was without her family. Despite her anger, Avery could not ignore the pain in her heart. Of course she was mad at them, but that didn't mean she wanted to be without them. Hailey noticed Avery's silence. For a while, she let Avery be with her feelings but she knew she needed to push her now before she got too far gone.

"So. What's the plan here, Avery?" Hailey questioned as she watched the embers of the fire burn.

Avery let out a breath and caught the gaze of Hailey's hazel eyes, "I'm not sure. To be honest, I can't stop thinking about JJ. I just can't wrap my head around how a 17-year-old boy could do something like this. It's not him. 10 years ago, before all of this started, he was just a 7-year-old boy. I remember watching him play flag football in the park."

"The world went to shit, Avery. He was forced to decide what to do... and I have a feeling that your dad didn't make it so easy on him. This world doesn't take it easy on anyone." Hailey said, sitting closer to Avery, "You aren't responsible for their actions."

Avery sighed again and pushed her hands through her short hair and glanced over at Hailey, mildly envious of her ponytail. Avery's shorter hair was less maintenance and safer, but she always preferred longer hair. She found herself watching Hailey and feeling protective. As upset as she was that Hailey followed, she was just as happy to not be alone. As Hailey stated, the world doesn't take it easy on anyone. A gentle hand on Avery's back ended her train of thought.

"Talk to me." Hailey spoke softly.

Avery nodded and gestured to the open space beside the fire, "You should get some rest. I'll stay awake."

Hailey accepted and laid out her blankets, giving Avery one last look, "If you get tired, you wake me up. Got it?" she replied sternly.

Avery nodded as Hailey laid down and closed her eyes. She could hear the bugs in the trees punctuated by the cracks of the firewood. They had been lucky so far as far as the undead goes, only seeing a few lone undead and no signs of nearby swarms. In the distance you could see the faint lights of the community that had been her home for so long.

It made Avery feel confused. It was a bittersweet feeling that she had yet to experience. This was a place that her family had worked to rebuild together. It was a place that was safe and secure for herself, and others that came along the way. Now, it felt like a stranger when she looked at it. Almost as if it was a ghost that was going to keep following her wherever she goes next.

The morning came quickly for the duo was having a quick and small breakfast of granola bars while they packed up their blankets. For a moment, it was quiet as the two ate. Avery and Hailey would make quick glances without speaking any words. Hailey was the first to break the silence.

"I don't mean to sound like a broken record here, but do we have a plan?" Hailey asked, "Short term or long term, do you have any ideas?"

"I really don't have a set plan... All I know is we need to find a shelter that is stable enough that we can start a new homebase. Then we can plan better for getting supplies."

Hailey nodded, "I guess we should get to it then."

After some hours on the road, Avery spotted a run down storefront. The paint was so scratched that you could see the bare bricks behind it peeking through. The windows were fogged over with grime after not being cleaned in the last years of the outbreak. Avery gave a nod and turned, noticing that Hailey was lagging behind.

Hailey had been feeling tired and drained with her heels from the exhaustion. Avery sent her an apologetic look and stopped to allow Hailey to catch up. Hailey gave her a warm smile, but Avery could see she needed a break. Somehow, they needed to find a place to get a good night's rest.

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