Chapter Five

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Days had passed since Rodney and his people had captured Avery and Hailey. Our wrists were no longer bound; however, we were still being held in the cells with a guard outside. Rodney checked on us regularly, bringing us food and changes of clothes. 

Last night was the first night out of all of them that Avery was able to allow herself to rest and get sleep. She had been getting scattered amounts of sleep as she chose to stay awake and watch the movements outside through the holes in the walls. The slim spaces between the wood of the shack allowed beams of the morning sun to poke through and land on Avery's face. She stirred at first, trying to readjust in order to get out of the light. Eventually she gave in and chose to stay awake and noticed that Hailey was already awake.

"How long have you been up?" Avery grumbled as she sat up.

"Long enough. You should ask if they can check on those." Hailey replied, gesturing to Avery's wrists.

Avery covered them quickly, "They'll heal on their own."

Avery turned her attention away and scooted closer to the edge of her cell in order to look through the cracks of the wooden walls. The town was awake and active, just as they had been in days past. They all walked with purpose. They all knew what their job was for the day and they followed through.

"Can you stop being in scout mode and talk to me?" Hailey asked with a mix of sterness and playfulness.

Avery looked back at Hailey who was playfully rolling her eyes at her. Avery accepted and readjusted so her back was pushed against the wall.

"Do you remember when you found me?" Hailey spoke with a small smile forming on her lips.

Avery breathed out a laugh, "How could I forget? You were so annoying."

5 Years Ago

It was one of the coldest days for Avery. Their thin jackets didn't help to keep the cool air from impacting them. This was Avery's first solo scouting mission without any supervision, which was saying a lot since they were the youngest to be allowed out on their own. Her partner, Derek, was one to follow a strict plan. He was one to call it early.

"We should get back soon." Her partner spoke softly.

"Soon. We can't go back empty handed on our first outing. There are a few shops just up the road. We check those and head back. Deal?" Avery stated, turning to Derek.

He nodded and followed behind her. The two walked in silence as they approached the abandoned shop. The front was two large windows that were now fogged over with dirt and grime. A glass window was framed between the two windows, now shattered.

Avery gave Derek a look to make sure they were on the same page. He readjusted his gun in his grasp and turned on his flashlight. Avery did the same with her gun as her first steps crunched on the broken glass. They listened carefully for any sounds of snarling and shuffling, but there was nothing. It was so silent that a pen could be heard if it was dropped on the other side of the store.

They parted ways and started going down aisles for any supplies they could scavenge. The floors were littered with paper and busted cans, but Avery was able to find a few intact cans of food that she quickly stuffed into her backpack. A quick shuffle from the end of the hallway made Avery clench onto her gun so hard that her knuckles turned white.

Avery let out a whistle to get the undead to show themselves. When nothing emerged, Avery took slow steps in that direction. She stumbled slightly and discovered that whoever else was here, had taken out one of the undead.

She rounded the corner and took aim on a young woman who just closed her eyes in anticipation of being shot. Derek took a place behind Avery, noticing the stranger in front of them. The woman's hair was down and greasy. Avery didn't notice any bags with her, let alone any weapons.

Avery knelt down in front of her, trying to lock eyes, "Are you hurt?"

The woman shook her head and nodded in the undead's direction, "He grabbed at my hair. But I got him before he could bite me."

Avery turned to Derek to see if he had any ideas on how to proceed. She rolled her eyes when all he did was shrug, so she turned her attention back to the woman.

"Do you wanna tell us your name?"

The woman hesitated, "Hailey."

"Hailey." Avery gave a warm smile, "My name is Avery. This is my partner, Derek . Is there anyone else here with you?"

"No. I'm alone."

"Derek, can you go check to make sure the outside is clear?" Avery ordered.

Avery turned back to Hailey and extended a hand as she rose to her feet. Hesitant, Hailey took a hold of Avery's hand and pulled herself to her feet. Avery gestured for Hailey to spread her arms and legs; which Hailey listened. Avery patted her down, looking for weapons and bite marks. She was clean.

"You're really alone out here?" Avery asked, heading towards the door.

"I wasn't always." Hailey spoke softly, "My parents died a couple of months back."

"I'm sorry." Avery paused, "We can take you back with us, if you'd like. We have an outpost not far from here, so we can be back before it gets dark."

"Military?" Hailey asked hopefully.

Avery shook her head, "We're just... survivors. We rebuilt a small section of a neighborhood after the initial outbreak. It's not much, but it could be in the future."

Avery took a moment to look out to Derek to make sure it was clear. Derek gave Avery a nod, which she returned. Avery held the door open and turned back to Hailey, waiting for her decision. If she came outside, then she would join them. A new survivor for the outpost. If she declined, who knew how much longer she would survive on her own.

Avery watched as Hailey made her way outside and could tell she was nervous. Avery understood though; especially since Hailey was about to put all of her trust into someone she just met. It was scary.

"What's it like?" Hailey asked, catching Avery's gaze.

"As good as we choose to make it." Avery replied, leading the way back home.

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