Chapter Six

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"How long do you think they're going to keep us here?" Hailey questioned.

Avery was wondering the same. Rodney and his people weren't showing violence towards them. The last few days had fallen into a simple routine. In the mornings Rodney would bring them breakfast which was usually oatmeal or eggs. At mid-day he would come in again and bring them water and a small sandwich, and at night he would allow them to shower and provide them a change of clothes.

Rodney was always the one doing the errands, never another guard or member of the community. It was always him, even if it was simply making sure they were warm enough. Avery noticed that night had come quicker than it normally felt, and Rodney entered the room.

"You'll shower and then join us for dinner. Out of the cell." He said.

"You're letting us out? Why?" Avery asked.

Rodney paused as he opened their cell door, "You've been in here long enough. Plus, I think it's time we spoke about things."

Hailey interrupted, "What kind of things?"

"I have questions for both of you, and something tells me that you have questions for me. After your showers, in your own home, we can talk over a meal."

"I'm sorry, did you say our own home?" Hailey asked.

"You won't be staying here anymore. This place was meant for threats. A few of us have prepared one of the houses for you. It's yours as long as you want it to be. Outside is a woman named Emma, she will show you where your new home is. She will also get your wounds properly cleaned, if you let her." Rodney stated, gesturing to Avery's wrists.

"Thank you." Avery said, earning a smile from him.

He gave them both a nod and left the barn. The girls sent one another an excited smile as they grabbed the clothes and slowly made their way out of the barn. A blonde, heavier set woman greeted them with a sunny smile.

"Hello! I'm Emma." She greeted, "Are you excited to see your home?"

"I'm just excited to sleep in a bed." Hailey teased, causing Avery to laugh.

In the distance the sun was setting and the sky was a vibrant orange that she couldn't look away from. Avery fell silent as she listened to Hailey and Emma discussing medical things that went entirely over her head. Avery noticed herself smiling at the two. It reminded her of the times she would watch Hailey and her mother interact.

"Well, here it is!" Emma smiled.

Emma turned and led them onto a porch of a small, blue house with white trim. To their right was a beautiful wooden swing with plants on either side of it. Avery felt a nudge and turned to see Hailey, who was excited to go inside to see the rest of the house. Avery laughed at her and gestured towards the door, allowing Hailey to enter first.

"I will leave you two be! Show yourselves around, take your time! The water is on for your showers and dinner will be ready in about an hour." Emma told them before waving goodbye and heading back the way they came.

Avery smiled and waved back as Hailey pushed open the front door. Avery took her first steps on the wood floors, smelling freshly baked cookies as they entered. To her left was an open living room with a fireplace that had a white, brick trim to it. The walls were painted a light gray with white trim lining the floor. The sectional was a darker gray with a wooden coffee table to go with it.

Avery let out a sigh of disbelief as she took a seat on the couch. She shook her head as she went across the hall to a room that had a wall of books and a few recliners to lounge in. Avery noticed Hailey scanning the books, pulling out a few of them to get a better look at the options she had.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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