Chapter Two

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Days had gone by since that small camp had suffered, and it seemed as though the community forgot about it. JJ and Hailey, along with the rest had gone back to work like nothing had occurred. Avery, on the other hand, couldn't stop thinking about it. It was constantly running through her mind. Finally she felt strongly enough to speak to her father over the matter.

"Avery, come in." Her father spoke calmly, looking over the rim of his glasses, "What seems to be the problem?"

Avery took a seat at her father's desk and made sure to lock on his eyes, "I think we should have extra lookouts. Ever since we found that camp attacked, it gives an uneasy feeling. They were attacked, and they were RIGHT there. We should be preparing in case they come here."

Kurt sighed and leaned back in his chair, "It has been days since the fire, Avery. If the people wanted to attack again, then they would have."

"How do you know that? What if they are out there right now just watching us?"

"Enough." He warned, giving Avery a cold stare, "Our people feel safe and I will not jeopardize that. You're far too young to understand what it is we are doing."

"I'm 25." Avery scoffed, "Just send me! Hell, I bet JJ would even go with me. We could scout ourselves and no one else would need to know."

"I said enough!" He slammed his hands on the table causing Avery to flinch. "We will not be discussing this any further. You are not to go looking for these people. Do you understand?"

Avery nodded with a clenched jaw, "Yes sir." She paused at the door as she was fighting a sick feeling in her gut when she turned to him, "We know the people that started the fire, don't we?"

"You're late for your shift." He sighed, looking back down to his papers.

Avery made her way back into the streets and looked around at the people. They were smiling and laughing, unaware of how bad the outside world actually was. She found herself in Med Bay, watching her mother and Hailey help those in the room. She found herself to be smiling at the scene. Hailey caught Avery's eye and sent her a smile and made her way beside her.

"What brings you here? Are you hurt?" Hailey questioned, overlooking her body for wounds.

Avery let out a chuckle, "No, no I'm okay! Do you have a minute? Can we talk?"

Hailey nodded and guided Avery into a nearby hallway where there were no lingering ears in the area. Avery's body language gave Hailey clear signs that she was really struggling within herself. In an effort to calm her, Hailey placed a gentle hand on Avery's arm.

"What is it?"

"I think my dad knows who started the fire at that camp." Avery blurted without any hesitation, "I went to him asking us to up the security and he basically said it wasn't needed."

Hailey's face grew concerned, "Are you sure he just isn't worried about it? Maybe it has already been handled."

"I'm a captain, Hailey. My crew wouldn't have gone out without me knowing... at least I don't think they would."

"Okay, so what's the play? What do we do?" Hailey added, folding her arms in front of her chest.

"Do you remember any of OUR people coming back that day with burns? Something out of the ordinary?"

Hailey pondered her thoughts, trying to remember any detail she could from that day. Her face instantly changed when she did remember one detail from that day, but the information would hurt Avery. If it didn't hurt her, then it would definitely make her feel some type of way. Hailey wanted to protect Avery, but she wouldn't be able to from this.

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