Sweet Creature

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As Ekko went to look for some clothes, he couldn't stop thinking about the vastaya. He couldn't get her cowering image out of his head. Part of him knew why he was feeling this way, it was an outrageous situation, to say the least. But something in his gut told him that there was much more to this situation, and more to her than meets the eye.

Eventually, he found some clothes that looked like they would fit. It was only one outfit, consisting of a t-shirt, a black jacket, and a pair of good, thick shorts. He'd have to go and buy more later for her to wear.

"Ekko?" a squeaky voice asked. It was Heimerdinger. "I heard from Vi that you brought someone home. Is there anything I can do?"

"No, I got it, don't worry, sir."

"I heard it's a vastaya," Heimerdinger added, lowering his tone.

"Yes, she is," Ekko corrected. "She was on a barge. From a guy I'm guessing is Noxian. They were trying to sell her for the Arcane."

"I don't know why anyone would want to associate with such a thing," Heimerdinger sighed. "All this time, we knew that the Arcane does nothing good, and people just abandon that?"

"It's different," Ekko assured. "She's different. She didn't use hers once against me."

"Give it time." Heimerdinger had that look on him again, one that showed his age. What his old eyes might've seen was behind Ekko, but the old Yordle needed to learn that this was a new era. But he didn't have the energy to argue.

"So, what kind of magic do the Vastaya have?"

"Well, from what I've read, it depends on the species of the vastaya-- do you know which one she is?"

"I'm guessing either a fox or wolf, for she didn't have any scales or feathers."

"Probably some illusion magic, but I can be quite certain. The wolf vastaya has increased strength and speed. I know that much."

"I guess I'll just have to ask her," Ekko concluded. Heimerdinger raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, but be very careful. If she is a fox vastaya, they aren't exactly known to be truthful or trustworthy." Ekko had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. He scooped up the clothes from earlier and went up into the treehouse.


When he walked to the room, he found the girl asleep on the couch. He was happy to see that at least she would be comfortable sleeping tonight. Quietly, he set the clothes on the nightstand adjacent to the sofa. There, he got a better look at her face.

It looked like she was crying. Her hair was sticking to the sides of her face, face flushed. A part of him felt bad for her, but another part told him that this was the best situation she could be in now.

He took off his jacket and laid it gently on her. It was the least he could do.

Suddenly, Caitlyn walked into the room. Ekko had to shush her, with her clobbering footsteps, motioning to where you were sleeping. "Sorry-" she whispered, covering her mouth. She looked at the vastaya. "Wow, Vi wasn't kidding about her."

"No, she wasn't," Ekko agreed. "How did your patrol with Vi go?"

"There wasn't much we could help, so we searched for answers about Silco."


"Yes, and word on the street is that Silco hadn't told her to do it," she said, referring to Jinx. "We're hoping to go undercover sooner rather than later to see if it's true." Ekko sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I wouldn't be surprised at anything she did at this point."

"I'm sorry, Ekko."

"No, no, it's not like it's your fault. Thank you for telling me. Whom did you hear that from, anyway?" Caitlyn shifted her weight on her feet.

"It's what everyone was talking about down there. We didn't have to ask. They were all mixed opinions, though. Some are commemorating her for 'putting the Pilties in their place.' Others were scared that this meant war, and I do too. Bridges between our homes are breaking in more ways than one." Ekko crossed his arms, rubbing his skin with his thumb.

"War," He mused in his head. For a long time, he's suspected it to happen at least one day. At some point in his life, he'd almost longed for it, angry at the unjust ways the topside "dealt" with them. Now, it was becoming a too-real possibility, and he had to admit he was scared, especially with the recruit.

"But we can at least deal with that tomorrow," Caitlyn sighed, putting her hands on her hips. Caitlyn looked over at the girl again, tilting her head. Ekko already knew what she was thinking, "You gave her your jacket?" She asked, smiling. However, he wasn't going to get flustered over the right thing to do.

"Of course! Besides, I didn't find any spare blankets. She can give it back to me later." Caitlyn smiled wider.

"Well, if that's what you say, I'll believe you," she saluted as she walked back down the steps of the tree. Ekko felt like smacking her upside the head, but he resisted the urge. From someone who was depressed a few days ago, she sure was acting way too chipper about this.

He took another look at the girl. And for a split second, Ekko swore he saw a small smile on her face.

It was almost sweet.

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