first round, 3rd pick.

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april 18 2027
julia's pov

"someone's calling me, hold on." i tell my team while we're in the conference room which is what we've all called the 'watching the replays' room. we're all watching the nfl draft together, most people pacing around even our coaches. everyone looks up at me like they've seen a ghost, there's no shot i'm getting drafted.

i know it's a couple of years skipped but i'll catch you up quick.

i'm in the homestretch of my last college year, all four years, and i've won 3 championships with the bulldogs.

i still keep in touch with awsten and a lot of the other guys, vienna and frankie constantly facetime me too. i'm okay with brendon and sarah but i only ever talk to them if they show up on a face time with vienna and frankie. the only times they text me was when we won those 3 championships and holidays.

my name has been put into the nfl draft by me and i've had one too many calls from past and current coaches telling me how they're pumped for me.

that's really it, i'll bring you back to real time now.

"answer it!" "juli answer it please right now." is what everyone's saying to me so i do so, immediately.

"hi, is this julia urie?" a guy asks "yeah, this is her." i answer "perfect this is mike szabos with the buffalo bills how are you doing?" szabos, mike fucking szabos. "i'm doing great man, how are you?" be polite, "i'm doing amazing, we're going to get you drafted here in a minute. hang on real quick and we'll put you on the phone with our general manger, alright?" he says "yes sir." i nod to myself, my jaw has dropped to the floor and everyone is just watching me.

"julia, how are you doing buddy?" brandon fucking beane answers the phone "doing great, how about you?" i smile to myself and everyone in the room "i'm doing well. where are you at right now?" he asks "i'm at my college right now with my team!" i laugh visibly and audibly nervous and so does he "well you're gonna be partying in a minute alright? we're gonna make you a buffalo bill." he says "yes sir." i nod "sound good?" he asks "1000 percent, i'm excited." i can't help but smile because holy shit. "you're gonna fit our offense really well, the guys love you. i'm gonna pass you to a few people, i'm gonna give you to our owner terry pegula and then we'll get you to coach mcdermott and our offensive coaches." beane tells me and i hum.

"hey julia this is terry pegula," terry says, i love this man, "welcome abord." he laughs "thank you!" i laugh with him. then i get passed on to sean mcdermott.

"hey this is sean mcdermott, i just want to say congratulations to you and your teammates." he tells me "thank you, thank you so much for the opportunity." i smile "yeah bud, welcome to the bills."

the line hangs up and before i can say anything, the guy reading who the bills picked starts to talk. "the buffalo bills pick what will be the first woman in the nfl, julia urie!" the guy's excitement is more than me.

my team starts cheering and i get up going to my coaches just giving them the biggest hugs ever. i already feel my phone in my pocket blowing up with messages.

i'm literally a first round, 3rd pick. wow.

at the end of the night i'm in my dorm room texting people back just taking it all in because wow. i get a new text from awsten, he hadn't texted me earlier but he doesn't watch the draft i don't think so makes sense.


i heard through the grapevine you got drafted to the buffalo bills!!! i'm so fucking proud of you kid, you did amazing and you deserve this so much. i can't wait to see you on the field with all of them!!

awstennnnnn!!!!!! thank you thank you. but, i couldn't have done it without you. i love you!!!

i love you more kiddo

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