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song rec : calico (dpr ian)

shuffling from beneath the covers, janelle peeks her head out only to be met with rays of sunshine casting over the small loft. its light falls over nearly everything the eye could see. this is much different from her bedroom back home. where she once resided in a room dawned in black out curtains and drab grey walls brought to life by the plethora of posters and artwork scattered in every opportunistic space and corner. although everything is a bit different- walls bare, open and willing for some sort of revamp; it somehow felt right. welcoming to the young girl. and this would explain the surge of excitement she felt each day she woke up.

not a fiber in her body feels tired, which is certainly new to her. and while she may try to tell herself it has nothing to do with the (amazing) date she just had the night prior - the glow in her skin and sparkling of her irises would say otherwise.


the girl runs her fingers through her mess of hair with a quiet sigh. surrounding her are two distinctly different piles. the first, clothes that some way or another have to find their way into her duffel bag. and the other small essentials and necessities or so she thinks. with this being her first camping trip and all she's skeptical, but still she can't help that bubbly feeling of exhilaration for the experience itself. it leaves her head wondering aimlessly about a million things she could possibly need or want for said trip.

sunghoon would be heading her way in about two hours. with them being the last pair to arrive they figured they'd just go together. and somehow the decision was completely unspoken up until the point sunghoon asked janelle what time she'd be ready for him to pick her up. this little tidbit exciting the girl even further.

glancing down at the list she messily wrote down, she begins going through each point in her head to ensure she has everything. when she finishes, the girl jumps up with a huff dramatically dusting her hands on the fabric of her sweats; before scampering off to shower.


comes the sound of the bell and janelle is up and moving towards it happily. when she pulls the door ajar and is met with the soft smile from the other she bounces lightly on the balls of her feet. unnoticeable to all but herself.

"and we meet again ice princess" she muses.

"i guess we do" he replies smiling

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"i guess we do" he replies smiling. "ready?" the girl hums, stepping back into the loft, her hand reaching out to tug the sleeve of his shirt simultaneously. once they're both past the threshold, she peers up to meet his confused stare.

"i just gotta grab my bag, you need anything?" she questions, only for him to shake his head. "want anything? snack.. drink?"

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