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song rec : dead leaves (BTS)

janelle lied comfortably snuggled into the mounds of blankets splayed across her bed. surprisingly she wasn't asleep, despite it being the early hours of morning- the rising sun already peeking through the sheer drapes hanging before her apartment's largest window.

with her head propped upon a pillow she watched the drama playing on her laptop screen with droopy eyes. no matter how tired she was, she was just as determined to complete the show so she could finally rant about it with seokjin. a yawn slipped from her lips, as she fought away the persistent callings of sleep.

and somehow with perfect timing her phone began to buzz from beside her. one of the girl's dark brows rise in confusion, as she shuffles beneath the covers to free her arms. when she takes the device into her hand, she's even more confused to see the call coming from jungwon.

'what was he doing awake?'

she slides her thumb across the lit screen and presses the phone to her ear in the next action.


"hello?" the greeting more of a question than anything else. which hints at the girl's confusion.

rustling comes from the other end of the line but no words follow, so janelle tries again. this time her voice which had been quite soft and raspy from the hours without being put to use, is a bit more clear.

"jungwon?" still nothing. she smacks her teeth, giving it one more shot, after that she'd hang up and go about her business.

"jungwon." her tone is firm, and as the continued shuffling sounds through the phone's line jae is about to end the call, that is until an audible gasp is heard.

suddenly the boy's voice comes through. "jae?"


"uhm..."  he drones softly, and she can almost imagine the expression on his face, causing a chuckle to leave her mouth.

"you called me... i guess it's safe to say it was a butt dial." she jokes and she can hear the latter clearing his throat.

"uh yeah, i'm so sorry- you must've been sleep huh?"

"actually no. i wasn't sleeping."

"wait, what are you doing up so early then?" his voice came out a pitch higher- most likely due to his surprise.

"i could ask you the same thing huh? but "still doing up" would be the correct way to phrase that."

"you mean you haven't been to sleep yet at all?"


"can i ask why?"

"hey." she scolds playfully. "you haven't even answered my question."

"which was what?"

she can hear him moving around still and she smiles to herself.

"you should really sit still."


"it's hard to hear you with all your fidgeting." she teases, the boy can hear the smirk from her words alone. just as he can hear that, she can also sense the affect her words may have had on him. and she was correct- as the red rouge flares over jungwon's cheeks and up to the tips of his ears.

"sorry." he mumbles and her smile grows a bit more. but she decides to leave him alone for the moment.

"i also asked why you were up."

"oh.. uh i couldn't sleep so i've just been playing games."

"ah. so you haven't slept at all either."

"guess not."

"anything bothering you wonie?"

once again her words rattled the poor boy, so he cleared his throat hoping it would help to mask his flustered state. "not particularly. what about you jae? anything keeping you from sleeping? i know how much you love it."

was he actually teasing her now? interesting.

"very funny. but no nothings bothering me. i was actually trying to binge watch a k-drama."

"really? which one?"

"alchemy of souls."

"oh i really liked that one."

"so you've seen it.. both parts?"

"mhm." he hummed sweetly and she snorted.

"okay then. am i crying or squealing by the end?"

"honestly- probably a little bit of both."

"gaht dammit."

"which part are you on?"

"fourth episode of part two... why?" comes her voice with a tinge of suspicion laced in it.

"no reason no reason. it's going to start getting really good though."

"damn..! is it not good already?!" she asks sounding exasperated.

her words make him laugh, but then his lips pull into a thin line as he speaks.

"i should let you get back to the show..."

"mm- talking to you's more fun though." she states honestly without much thought.

jungwon couldn't tell what was real and what was merely the girl's teasing. either way it's effect on him concerned him greatly. he was silent for a beat too long and so again the brunette speaks. her voice airily attractive.

"but you probably want to get back to your game now huh?"

that he heard clearly and his mouth moved quicker than his brain ever could. "no..!"

"no?" she chuckled, the sound sending a weird feeling through jungwon. and for a second he thought maybe he should get off the phone with the girl. for the sake of his well being.

"well then we can keep talking..."

"yeah that's fine-"


"or?" he asked with a raised brow. although she wouldn't be able to see it.

"it's already 8- if you're up to it we can get doughnuts and hot chocolate...!"

her voice had suddenly grown much brighter in just the span of a few seconds. he knew it was due to the sudden idea she'd had. the boy smiled.

"i'm down."

"great, meet at my place!"

"okay cool, i'll see you in a bit."

"bye wonie"

there's that nickname.

"bye jae."


a / n : so ive been debating if this story should have any sort of plot. i do like the casualness of it, but then again i find myself wanting to add some spice like idunnooo jungwon harboring a secret crush on jae EVEN though he knows full and gaht damn well BOTH yeonjun and most importantly (as of rn anyway) sunghoon like her

it's all fun and games.....................until it isn't 😈

*i won't do nun too crazy considering we're well over 100 chapters.. PLS-

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