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song rec : 505 (arctic monkeys)

janelle's monday comes and goes like a calm breeze and suddenly she's up and getting ready for the day ahead. a schedule dedicated to school and a long dance practice. like she's on autopilot the girl glides around the space of her loft; subconsciously completing her usual routine.

and before she realizes she's propped atop one the bar stools with a plain piece of toast sticking out from her mouth and her phone in her hand. the girl was both a bit excited and nervous. always happy to see her other friends. however, the only thing that nagged her was the idea of sunghoon still keeping his distance; especially when she had not a clue as to why.

janelle brushes the lingering thought aside and grabs her bag heading towards the door of her apartment.


she hurriedly walks through the empty halls of the large school. trying her best to beat time as the clock ticks down to mark her tardiness. eventually she's jogging and then running to reach the door of her assigned home room.

scurrying pass the threshold, the brunette doesn't bother sparing a glance to the pairs of eyes watching her rushed movement. she makes a beeline for her seat towards the back of the class and doesn't breathe until she makes contact with the desk chair. luckily for her the bell just barely rings a moment later.

letting her bag fall to the side of her chair, she plants her elbows upon the desk and lets a ragged breath leave her pouted lips. resting her chin in her hands she angles her head so that she's able to look directly at the person seated beside her. the girl's large eyes find those of yeonjun's and he lifts a single brow. janelle rolls her eyes, looking away- attitude evident on her face.

"shut up yeonjun."

the boy scoffs, "and a good morning to you too grumpy ass girl." he bites but she ignores him, feeling a tap on her shoulder.

"hm?" she hums peeking over her shoulder to beomgyu.

"you bring snacks?"

the girl blinks, "i look like a vending machine to you?"

"might as well be." he replies looking at her bag, which funnily enough has the packaging of a bag of chips sticking out. she huffs, pulling them out and tossing them behind herself.

"you better leave me alone it's entirely too early." she sasses, gaze panning to mark dozing off.

"how was the trip?" yeonjun asks and janelle looks over to him with pursed lips.

"you would know if you came" haechan cuts in from beside beomgyu.

"that... is true."  she agrees with arched brows.

"and i would've but-"

"-but you had to spend quality time with the fam we get it."

"shut up beomgyu." yeonjun says only for the other to shrug his shoulders carelessly.

"what. it's not a lie hoe."

and that's how the teen's entire first period goes. quietly bickering back and forth with the occasional sneaking of someone's snacks (mainly janelle's) in between lessons.

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