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song rec : some (steve lacy)
song rec : 7 weeks and 3 days *instrumental* (yungatita)

the group has packed up their belongings and have hiked back up to the cabin. and somehow they couldn't manage a decent trip with no arguing. it wasn't until they reached said cabin that the senseless bickering amongst the group ceased and they all dispersed. all finding little things to do to pass their time.

once inside, caged in the comforting warmth of the lodge, janelle slipped into one of the bathrooms. thankful there were showers, toilets - shoot. running water. feeling a bit gross from the night prior the girl was quick to jump in the shower and rinse a night and day's worth of dirt off her body.

once she finished and was dressed for the rest of the day ahead, she pulled her curls into a quick ponytail and left to join the rest.

the first person she came across after leaving the bathroom was heeseung. who held in his hands a large canned drink and bag of chips. the two merely stared with big eyes- like two deer caught in headlights. if noticed by anyone else, the scene might've even appeared comical.

"you tryna share hee?"

"girl be serious." he replies with a deadpan and she smiles stepping closer.

"oh c'mon."

"you best back up uht uh."

he notices her stare darken and instinctually he begins running away, only for the shorter of the two to chase after him.


a small group has broken off and have found themselves seated on the couch and floor playing a cracked out version of uno.

"this is not how you play bitch."

"are you really complaining right now nami when i've caught your ass cheating four times already?"

"i don't see how that's any of your business" she says as a scoff leaves her.

"it is when i have 20 dollars on the line."

"oh i bet it does you broke hoe."

the kids hear a sudden shout sound from somewhere in the cabin.

"what happened?" beomgyu yells out, but only a disgruntled noise is heard in return. from one of the hallways ryuji casually strolls by with her phone in her hand.

"just jae and heeseung wrestling in the hallway."

"why?" namiko asks while laughing at the thought.


they all jump from their spots and head in the direction of heeseung's shouts. when they turn the corner of the wall they see- sprawled helplessly on the floor is heeseung, with a wild jae pinning him down.

bahiyyih, beomgyu, namiko, niki, jake, sunghoon, jay, and jungwon all fall into fits of laughter as they look at their friends.

"just give me the chips heeseung."

"i won't!"

"i only asked for some!"

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