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As soon as I stepped in, the laughter stopped. I looked around and spotted a group of people in one corner of the room. My eyes widened, and I started walking backwards. These people didn't look the slightest bit happy.

"Hey!" One of them yelled as he saw me retreating, their voice echoing in the big empty space. I froze as I collided with something behind me, a body. I was being held at gunpoint. Something inside me snarled, and my hand moved in a fast blur to knock the gun away. I spun around to face my attacker. Well, the demon did.

The person behind me fell backwards as I shoved them, and I heard something crack. I looked at her more closely, seeing if she was a threat. Her hair, a chaotic afro of frizzy light brown hair, was held back by a red bandanna. She wore a leather jacket, over a red dress. The demon obviously decided she was an easy one to take on, and I felt my muscles tense. I turned to face the others to see what their reaction was.

"No hard feelings, bud" The girl behind me said weakly, and then something hit me in the back of the head. I blacked out.


Very short, oh well

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