Just The Beginning - Chapter 10

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Once I have composed myself, I stand straight up, look him dead in the eyes and say clearly, "No, I paid for that RV before this shit storm happened. Anyway, how would you know that you have the most experience, you never bothered to ask us what our experience is! I have been fighting for several years, so again. No! Anything else?" I completely ignore him and I start talking to the soldiers again. I ask, "Do any of you have family you want to check on? I have a phone it should still work, if you want to try calling!" I went to hand my phone to the youngest soldier, who is just eighteen, when Harpy (Laurie) tried grabbing it saying Shane should have it because he is the leader. I slap her hand saying, "One, nobody appointed him leader and two, this is my personal property so hands off. Now, where is the boys father? Oh don't try lying saying it's Shane, he isn't the boys father I can see he isn't, so where?" Harpy then is about to start yelling again, I slap her face, "Are you trying to attract every walker within a mile radius to our location. Circe! What is the boys name? I really don't want to call him boy, it's demeaning."

The boy walks over to us says, "My name is Carl and my dad, Rick is in hospital here in a Coma." I say, "Well, Carl my name is Harriet, I'm truly sorry about your dad but if you have a picture and room number, I'll check the hospital for you." Harpy is about to yell when I just glare at her. She gulps says, "Why would you do that for us?" I turn to her and I say, "I'm not, it's for Carl, I know what it's like to lose a parent, both mine died when I was just a baby."

"Uncle Reggie, Charlie and soldier boys you stay here ok. Don't listen to Shane, Harpy or Ed, lookout for each other, any possible new arrivals, and Darryl find your brother please, we leave when I get back. You have three hours tops," I say. I go into my RV put on my armor, grab my bag, check my gear making it visible, grab an automatic rifle with extra mags and my bow with arrows. I walk out and the minute Shane sees me he is demanding my gear. He charged at me and ends up on his back with a dagger to his neck and groin. I say, "Try that again, please, because next time I'll follow through by castrating you. My property, not yours, you have no right demanding anything from anybody, so shut up. Guys, I'll be back in about three hours, hopefully with Rick. You all stay safe, please." Looking at my Uncle, Charlie, the soldiers, Darryl and Carl.

I leave, climbing the building closest to me, walk across roof pull out my binoculars to find the direction of the hospital and the safest route. Replacing the binoculars into my bag, I use rooftops most of the way until I'm half block away. The road is full of walkers, I take out one of the twins new noise making inventions put some magic behind the throw so its ends up about half mile away from the front of the hospital. I wait a minute, watching the walkers run towards the noise, then I let my wings out and glide to the front of hospital then pull my wings back in. Thank Circe, most of the walkers left the hospital, so I don't have alot of walkers in my way. I clear out walkers as I go, arriving at his room on the third floor and I check the door. The staff locked it, very smart. I unlock the door and go in with my dagger out, shut the door relocking it, put my dagger away and then check the computer for any notes. The nurse noted, 'Shane was informed that his friend would wake up soon but left anyway, the son overheard that his dad was in a coma, waking soon and glared at Shane as he walked away' plus the nurse also noted 'she heard Shane tell the wife her husband was dead, some friend.' It seems Rick is starting to wake up, I find his clothes and pull out some snacks and a water bottle.

I wait for him to wake up more before asking, "Rick, do you hear and understand me?" He nods "Good, I'm Harriet, you were shot around a month ago and went into a coma after surgery. Shortly after you got out of surgery, the world went to shit, some kind of outbreak or virus. Nobody knows what causing it but it spreads by bite or scratch." He nods again. While I'm explaining everything I remove his I.V. and bandage his arm. "Ok, you have to shot them in the head or decapitate them either works but sound attracts, so there is the rub. Are you able to sit up, cause we can't stay here too much longer. Alright, eat this, it's deer jerky and drink the water. I'm going check the bathroom real quick so you can change from that gown." Bathroom door was locked so I wandlessly unlocked it then entered, shutting the door behind me, check the other room seeing blood everywhere, quickly shut the door infront of me and lock it.

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