Levi Ackerman.

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A- after care (what they are like after sex)
Levi tries his best to seem comforting after sex but has a hard time doing so. He wont say much but try to make it up to you with acts of service. He will run you a bath, make you some food, and give you a few kisses.

B-body part (what their favorite body part on you and him)
Him: Levi loves his abs. He used to be very skinny and underweight so seeing them makes him feel prideful knowing how far he has come. Not to mention the times you've called them sexy.

You: He loves your thighs. He will never admit it but he enjoys laying on them and marking them with him his teeth.

C- cum (pretty much anything to do with cum)
Levi is naturally a clean person so when he does cum on you, he tends to clean it up as soon as he can. He either cums on you, or in you. Whether it's your mouth or else where. Believe it or not he isn't picky when it comes to where. 

D- dirty secret
Levi always thought the idea of masturbating across from each other and not being able to touch the other person was hot, but he never brings it up due to the fact he think you'll find it immature. 

E- experienced (how experienced are they in bed?)
Levi isn't as talented as people make him out to be. He's a very reserved man and one who pushes people away. Your lucky you even got with him. Having said that he wasn't the best the first couple of times but he got better the more he learned about your body.

F-Favorite position
Levi's favorite position is called bow. Its simple but makes him and you feel very good. Plus he gets a full view of your body which he enjoys.

(If you don't want to look it up, here's a link you can put into your web browser.   https://sexpositions.club/positions/165.html ) 

G-goofy (are they goofy in bed?)
Levi is probably one of the most serious people when it comes to sex so you wont find him cracking jokes or even a smile. The most you will get is a smirk.

H- hair (how well groomed?)
Levi is clean shaven, he doesn't like the feeling of hair down there. However with you, he doesn't mind one bit, whatever makes you comfortable he can work with.

I- intimacy
Levi isn't all that intimate unless it's a special accession. Like a birthday or anniversary, or whenever you ask him to be.

J-jack off
Levi is a busy man so he doesn't get off by himself much or even at all. The time he does have he spends it with you, whether that's normal conversation or having sex.

Levi definitely has a hair pulling kink. Whether it's done to him, or he does it to you. He loves the feeling and the look of it.

L- location (where he likes to do it)
Levi is more of a private person, so he will normally do it in his office or his room unless there is no where else to go.

M- Motivation (what turns them on)
Levi gets very turned on when you speak to him in a certain tone, or get an attitude with him. As well as teasing him in public.

N-No (something they say no to)
Threesomes. Levi will never allow another man or woman get off or touch something that is his. It will only be him or no one at all.

O-Oral (giving, receiving, and skill)
Levi doesn't really have a preference. If he had to pick he would say giving just because he went his whole life without it and doesn't have to start needing it now. Plus, not that he will admit it, but he loves pleasing you.

P- pace
Levi will start out slow and soft, allowing him as well as you to adjust before he picks up the pace. If its a special occasion or he's been turned on for a while and you've been teasing him, he wont hesitate to start his thrusts off hard and fast.

Q- quickie
Levi doesn't mind it too much. He understands you both are busy individual's with a tons of work to do.

R- risks
Levi doesn't like taking risks. He will if he sees how much it excites you but other than that he wont try too much. 

Levi has tons of stamina but doesn't use it all. The most he will go is four rounds, he wants you to function afterwards.

T- Toys
Levi doesn't really mind because he has a lack of understanding towards them, but he's told you he doesn't want to use them on himself. He will use them on you if you ask. 

U-unfair (how much do they tease)
Levi doesn't tease too much but that's because he doesn't have time. He will sneak a small touch to you here and there but nothing more.  He has a love hate relationship when you tease him.

V- Volume (how loud are they?)
Levi is typically very quite. The only time you'll hear him is if he is leaning into your ear or  talks to you in a shaky tone.

W- Wild card (random head cannon)
He will sometimes randomly fantasize about you when he's alone in his office which can lead to him getting rough with you in the bedroom.

X-X-ray (what's going on in them pants)
Regardless of his height, Levi is about 6.5 inches when he's soft and 7.5 when he's hard.

Y-yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Levi doesn't have that high of a sex drive. Sure he can get horny but it is not an all the time thing.

Z-zzz (how fast do they fall asleep after?)
He will typically fall right asleep after making sure your taken care of and comfortable.

Updated-4/27/24 6:20PM

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