Mikasa Ackerman.

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A-Aftercare (what they are like after sex)
Mikasa can accidentally be a little forgetful after sex. She can forget to do certain things for you but she always tries her best.

B-Body part (what's their favorite body part of theirs and you)
Her: She loves her arms, she thinks her muscles and how defined her arms are attractive.

You: She loves your waist, she loves to think her hands were made to rest on your waist.

C-Cum (anything to do with cum.)
Mikasa isn't very big on cum. She doesn't mind yours but she would prefer to keep it down there.

D-Dirty secret
Mikasa has always wanted to do something in public, as she always wants to test herself. She wants to see how well she can do, as well has how you can do.

E-Experienced (how experienced are they in bed?)
She isn't that experienced in bed. Only having one person before you, though somehow she knows how to make you squirm.

F-Favorite position
Her favorite position is called Lotus. She loves being able to touch every part of you.

(If you don't want to look it up, here's a link you can paste into your web browser.   https://sexpositions.club/positions/240.html   )

G-Goofy (are they goofy in bed?)
Just like her overall personality she's not goofy in bed once oh ever. She may make the occasional joke afterwards but never during. She finds it distracting.

H-Hair (how well groomed are they?)
Mikasa is very clean shaved down there, with how active she is she finds hair down there annoying and uncomfortable for her. As for you, if she is eating you out/sucking you off she'd prefer for it to be at least tamed. She's not one for hair.

She is extremely intimate when it comes to her sex life with you. On occasions when the two of you have pent up sexual tension it's a different story as it can get VERY wild for the two of you.

J-Jack off/masturbate
She doesn't masturbate very often, as she normally doesn't have time for it, she is training a lot of times.

Mikasa won't admit it but she has a very big name calling kink. She loves when you call her things like Mommy, or even sweet names in bed.

L-Location (where do they like to get freaky the most?)
Mikasa is a very private person so she prefers alone in her room, minus the small times she feels freaky and wants to take it out elsewhere, maybe to a public bathroom of some sort.

M-Motivation (what turns them on?)
The way you talk to her turns her on, something about a certain tone you tend to have and your attitude gets her going.

N-No (Something they say no to)
She doesn't like to be choked. She won't let you or anyone else do that to her.

O-Oral (giving, receiving, skill)
She prefers giving oral, she finds it arousing to make you feel pleasure, even more so that it's her doing. She's learning to get better, seeing as she isn't that experienced but overall she is pretty good, only getting better every time.

Mikasa can be slow and sensual or fast and uncontrolled. It all depends on her mood.

She is not one for quick rounds, she finds it quite pointless, she thinks it's better to put time into her partner when it comes to sex.

Mikasa isn't one for risks. She is not the one to experiment either unless it's something you've been dying to do.

Seeing how strong she is and how much she does on the daily, her stamina is extremely high, being able to last up to 4 rounds.

Mikasa is pretty big with toys, liking to use them to bring something spicy into the bedroom without it being too different for her.

U-Unfair (how much do they tease)
Mikasa is definitely a teaser, she loves making you beg for what you want, as well as watching you struggle under her.

V-Volume (how loud are they?)
She tends to be very quiet, not being the loud type at all.

W-Wild card (random head cannon)
Mikasa always loves making you cum first, during sex she has a big tendency to always please you before anything goes to her.

X-X-ray (what's going on in their pants)
She uses a strap in most situations. (If you're a male and don't want to be pegged, ignore this.) (Having said that you can pick a size)

Y-Yearning (how high or low is their sex drive)
Her sex drive is pretty sigh as she always has so much stress on her soldiers from working in the core.

Z-Zzz (how fast do they fall asleep after?)
Mikasa isn't the one to fall asleep fast as she always sits in bed and continues to think about the moments you just had with her. She's also gives room to be affectionate with you after.

Alright loves, this was my first piece of writing in a while so honestly sorry if it's a little shitty. Leave more requests as I'm making more chapters. This was made for doven23

Updated- 4/28/24 3:13 AM

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