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Andy wakes up with the sun on his face. He rubs his eyes and he sees her asleep. He smiles and he strokes her cheek softly. 

“Morning Haze…” He whispers and kisses her neck. She mumbles in her sleep and opens her eyes to a smiling Andy. “Morning Andy…” She smiles, turns to him, and kisses him. 
“Happy birthday…” He cups her cheeks in his hands and kisses her softly. 
“Thank you.” She smiles and cuddles him. She looks around and they were still outside. She puts her clothes on and Andy did the same. They fold the blankets, take the pillows and go back inside the house. 

“I’m gonna take a shower, I’ll be right back…” She kisses him and goes into the bath. She closes the door of the bathroom and he starts to pick all the gifts for her. He puts them on the kitchen counter. He takes the little box from the pocket of his trousers and opens it. There is a ring for her. He wants to marry her, after all these years without her, he wants her as her wife. He wants her in his life. The water stops falling, he hides the ring in his pocket, he wants to find a good moment for asking her. 

“Hey, I was thinking maybe we should go somewhere for Chri-” She walks towards the kitchen with the towel on her head and stops. “Oh my god, Andy…” She covers her mouth. 
“Happy birthday Haze…”

“Oh Andy, you shouldn’t have…” She approaches him. “Oh…” She starts to cry. 
“Hey, it’s okay…” He hugs her and rubs her back. “All of this is for you…” He kisses her temple. “Which one you wanna open first?” 
“This one…” She opens the gift and sees a flannel scarf and a knit cap. “Oh, this is so beautiful…” 
“Open this one…” He hands her an envelope, and she takes it and opens it. It’s two tickets for Norway. She gaps and looks at him.                                            
“We’ll go for Christmas.” 
“Oh, my god.” She kisses him passionately. “Thank you…” She starts to cry. 
“Hey, don’t cry my little hazelnut…” He rubs her back. “Come on, finish opening your gifts, honey.” He chuckles. 

After she opened all her gifts, they go to the restaurant and command what they want to eat. 
“What do you think about your birthday right now?” 
“It’s the best! I couldn’t do anything when I was at the hospital, but right now, it’s amazing.” She smiles and takes his hand. 
“I’m glad you love it…” Andy leans against the table and kisses her. They received their plates and start to eat. 

“Haze?” They walk under the rain, Hazel is holding the umbrella. 
“Yes, Andy?” He stops her and turns her to him. 
“Can I ask you something?” He rubs her shoulder. 
“Yeah sure…” She smiles. He starts to grab a little velvet box in his pocket. 
“I wanted to kneel but it’s raining.” He chuckles and opens the little box. “Will you marry me, Hazel Williams?” He looks at her, some tears fall down her cheeks. 
“Andy…” She puts her hands on her mouth. 
“I love you, Haze, I know I did a mistake when I was with Laurie, you were sick and you needed me. I know it was difficult for you, but you’ve been brave and you’re still the most beautiful person I ever met in my life. Let’s catch up on the time we lost, let’s finally be together. You’re the love of my life, my sunshine…” 
She stays silent, her tears continue to fall on her cheeks. She puts her hand on his cheek. 
“Yes, yes, I want to be your wife Andy…” She chuckles, he cups her cheeks in his hands and kisses her passionately. He pulls back, puts the ring on her finger, and wipes her tears. “You fulfilled two of my dreams…” She giggles. 
“Which are?” 
“Marry and kiss me under the rain.”  
“Well, almost fulfilled one…” He puts the umbrella down. The rain falls on them and she laughs. “Now, I can fulfill this one…” He cups her cheeks and kisses her. 

She puts a towel around her body and goes into the bedroom where Andy is already on the bed, reading a book. “The ring is beautiful…” She looks at her hand. He stops reading and looks at her. 
“It fits you perfectly…” He puts the book on the nightstand. She goes into the dressing, puts on a jumper, and lies down next to him. He puts his arm around her shoulder, puts her head on his chest, and puts her hand on his stomach. “You okay, honey?” He strokes her hair. 
“Mhmm…” She nods slowly and starts to close her eyes. “I love you, Andy…” She mutters. 
“I love you too Haze…” He rolls over her and kisses her. 
“Andy, I’m tired…” She whines
“Come on Haze…” He kisses her neck. She moans lightly.
“Okay okay, after that, we sleep…” She laughs and lies on top of him. He takes off her jumper. 
“God, you’re so beautiful…” He puts his hands on her waist. She leans on him and kisses him passionately. He strokes her back, which sends shivers down her spine, and she escapes a little moan. She takes off his t-shirt, and he takes off his boxer, and she takes her panties off. He lies on top of her.

“I’m gonna be gentle…” She nodded, and he goes inside her. She winces a little. 
“You okay?” He looks at her worried. 
She nodded “I’m okay” She kisses him passionately. He goes slowly, and she grabs his hair. 
He puts his head in the crook of her neck. 
“God, you’re so wet for me…” He groans, and kisses her neck. He takes her breast and massages it. 
“Oh god, Andy…” She moans. 
“Haze, I’m gonna-” 
“Me too” 
They both cum and she could feel the warmness inside of her. He collapses on her, and she strokes his hair. He lies next to her and puts the blanket on her. 

“That was…” He catches his breath.
“Amazing” She looks at him and he looks at her. They both kiss, she puts his head on his chest, and he strokes her back. 
“Did I hurt you?” 
“No, you didn’t.” She kisses his chest. “I just didn’t do that for a long time…” She giggles and closes her eyes. He kisses the top of her head. 
“I love you.” He whispers and looks at her, but she was already asleep. He kisses her before he falls asleep.

CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU x ANDY BARBERWhere stories live. Discover now