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“Hazel, how can I help you?” Mr.Reed asks me when he sits on his chair. 
“I was wondering if I could have kids despite the fact that I had cancer. I just need confirmation from you.” My leg is shaking because of anxiety, but I know Andy is here with me. He puts his hand on my knee to soothe me, and takes my hand into his other hand. I instantly calm down 

“Well, according to your blood analysis from 2 months ago, you can have kids.” I can hear Andy being relieved that I can have children, but I’m still doubting. 

“Can I do another blood test?” Andy looks at me when I squeeze his hand. “I really wanna make sure I can have a baby, I know it’s stupid but I just don’t wanna have false hope”, I look down and tear up a little.

“Haze, I understand your concern, but the blood test confirms you can have kids. You were strong when you had this cancer, you beat the cancer because you believed in hope. Even if I wasn’t there before and I regretted it, you fought ! You fought to stay alive !” Andy says with support when he was rubbing my knuckles with his thumb. 

I look at Andy with tears in my eyes, I’ve never felt this kinda support before. I had no one before, but now I have Andy, and I know I can count on him. 

“He’s right Hazel, your blood test confirmed that you can have kids. You deserve to have a family with the man you love, you deserve to be happy.” 

With these words, I feel confident about the future. I can finally have what I want with Andy since the beginning, a family. I’m still stressed about what will happen when I’ll be pregnant but now, all I want is to find a family. 


“How do you feel?” He rubs my hand with his thumb when he’s driving to the house. 

“Relieved. I’m sorry about going to the doctor. I needed information and confirmation…” I sigh and look outside. 

“Hey, it’s alright. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what happens.” He takes my hand and kisses the back of it. 

“I love you Andy” I whisper. 

“I love you too.” 

We arrive at home, we both take off our coats and shoes, I take my computer and we both sit on the couch. 

“Andy, can I tell you something ?” 

“Sure, what is it?” He looks at me with worry. 

“Would you be mad if I want a private wedding? Everyone in my family left me when I was sick.” I say when I play with my hands. 

“Why would I be mad? If you want, we can do it. Besides, I don’t have anyone anymore either.” He says when he rubs my back. “We can get married now if you want.” He smiles at me and I look at him shocked. 

“What? Are you serious?” 

“Yeah, you can put your dress, I put my suit and we can go now.” 

Without a hesitation, I jump off the couch and run to the bedroom as Andy running behind me. I know it was a crazy idea but we both wanna get married, and I don’t a big wedding because I know no one will be here except Millie. 

As we finished to dress, I call Millie to ask if she wanna come right now for the wedding, she immediately squeal in the phone and say yes. Before she hung, she told me she’ll be here in 20 minutes. 

I start to head downstairs and take my purse with me. Andy is still trying to tie his bow tie but he comes downstairs and sigh in defeat. 

“What’s wrong?” I chuckle when I see him pouting.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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