Chapter 7

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All five wolves circled me growling and stalking closer. They seemed to all be working together. Well this is going to suck for them since I am so going to win. I got in my fighting stance staring at the one in front of me but keeping my ears open. I took a deep breath and released closing my eyes and opening my other senses. Now I just had to wait for them to attack. I heard them step closer simultaneously and again but I heard one to my left pressed down hard, more forceful, than the others. I knew he is going to attack first so I shifted my weight to my right foot.

He growled stronger before charging at me and another following suit. Opening my eyes I pressed off my right putting my weight on my left foot that is slightly in front to gain more force and spun around kicking the wolf in the face. He barrelled straight into another dazing him; he was laying down shaking his head like he was dizzy, and the other struggling to get back to his feet. I ducked just in time for the other wolf to fly over me. Two more came charging at me from the front swiping a paw and snapping a jaw at me. The other guy joined these two and all three are trying to land a hit on me but I just kept dodging each of their attacks. This went on for about eight minutes, them swiping, clawing, and snapping at me and me just dodging before I moved into ones attack and punched him in the snout successfully knocking him out cold. I dodging the other twos attack jumping on ones back and grabbing his fur just between the shoulder blades close to his neck. I found what I was looking for and tightened my grip. There’s a nerve between the shoulder blades that controls the body’s movement and I just gained control. Oh yea who’s the man? Well woman.

 The others growled when I pulled his fur like a horse and he followed. A guy ran at me and I used my guy to charge as well. When I got a foot away I jumped off landing to the right just as my guy got clawed in the face, so I kicked the other wolf in the side. My dude didn’t seem to know what’s happening so I forced him to the ground without much effort. He mustn’t have realise he is on the ground and with him not struggling, it just means he is submitting.

Well . . . that’s two down, three to go.

I jumped out of the way just as a wolf landed exactly where I was. He would have got his jaws around me if I hadn’t moved. I stepped back from the three and shifted. They lost their focus for a moment staring at me in awe when they saw my colouring and I used that to my advantage jumping at the guy in front of me. I ran at him gaining his attention back and swiped at him. He dodged and snapped at me. I heard a wolf running to me so I dodged his attack swiping his side drawing blood as I went past and the other wolf clawed at me but got the same wolf exactly where I just scratched causing him to howl in pain. I was amused when they starting fighting each other and forgot about me.

Well . . . that leaves one more. I saw movement to my right and looked to see a wolf running at me with determination in his eyes. I stayed put waiting for him. He jumped at me and I just went on my hind leg and caught him in my arms slamming him to the ground. He whined and I clamped my jaws around his neck biting down. I pierced the skin but I didn’t bite down enough to do any damage. He struggled in my hold and I felt him breaking through a bit so I tightened my jaw and moved so I was on top of him and dug my claws in his sides to get a better grip. It took ten seconds for him to stop moving and show me his neck. A sign he is submitting. I carefully stepped off him and let his neck go. He looked to me and bowed his head in respect. I copied him before looking for my next opponent. There seemed to be about twenty seven wolves left and I caught the eye of the biggest one there. He looked to be smirking in his wolf form and stalked closer to me. His eyes took in my form in appreciation while I narrowed my eyes at him. Cocky shit!

He smirked more circling me with me following keeping the same distance between us. I could tell this guy is full of himself, always getting what he wants, but that made him impatient. We were circling for twelve seconds before he made a noise of frustration. He was smart for not attacking first but he definitely needed to calm down if he wanted any chance to win. He is going to be a hard competitor.

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