Chapter 16

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‘Your dad’s not going to kill me is he?’ Seth asks nervously as he met up with me outside my packs quarter.

I just laughed, ‘No of course not. He’s a reasonable guy; he just wants to interrogate you a bit.’ I tried to sound reassuring so he would calm down but he wouldn’t stop fidgeting. We walked until I stopped just outside the kitchen door cause I could not deal with him fidgeting around.

I grasp his face between my hands making him stop and look me in the eyes. ‘Relax. My dad is not going to do anything okay. I won’t let him! I like you and I’m keeping you so calm down. I’ll protect you if you need it okay?’ I say teasingly, it seems to be the right thing to say. His shoulder’s lost the tension in them and his face cleared and he smiled a small smile at me.

‘Okay ready?’

‘Not really but I think this is the best I’ll be right now.’ He says

I laugh at him still holding his face in my hands. Looking in his eyes I see a pleather of emotions swirling round in them, desire a strong one mix with adoration, lust, awe. It caused a flutter of butterflies in my stomach. Leaning forward, still looking in his eyes and holding him still, I kiss just at the corner of his mouth softly, lingering for a few seconds.

Pulling away I noticed that both our breathing quickened a little, and the atmosphere zinged with yearning and hunger but we both knew that nothing was going to happen right now but we accepted it. That kiss alone made us content enough to wait patiently for the next step.

‘Come on’ I grab his hand pulling him into the kitchen. I saw my dad and uncle and Steph in there still and Langdon joined them, along with Levi. They stopped what they were doing and all looked at us when we entered. It was really creepy and slightly weird.

‘Okay well, stare, it’s alright you know.’ I say sarcastically

‘Will do baby girl’ dad said grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes smiling. ‘Anyway, everyone this is Seth, my second chance mate. Seth, this is my dad his twin, my uncle Harvey, my cousin and alpha, Langdon, My best friend Steph and her mate the Beta, Levi.’ I introduce everyone.

Seth bowed to everyone, ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you all.’

‘Sure it is. Now tell me Seth, what are your intentions with my daughter?’ my dad asks serious crossing his arms and arching his eyebrows, uncle Harv copying his actions.

‘Uh . . . w-well I don’t really have any intentions sir.’ Dad narrowed his eyes at that ‘I-I mean not like that I do have intentions with your daughter’ dad started glaring. ‘NO, I mean, not like that. I-I . . .’ he sighed then took a breath. ‘What I mean is that I like your daughter and possibly love her but it’s all up to her about our relationship. She is setting the pace and I will gladly go along with what she wants just to have a chance with her. I had a mate, who did me wrong like hers has, and I want this one to work. Your daughter has captured my attention from the very first time I spotted her at the ball. I really do like her.’

Wow! That was pretty good and looking at everyone, they thought the same. I saw their eyes soften and a hint of a smile adorned their face. I grinned at them in expectation; waiting for the approval I knew was coming.

‘That’s some fine words there son. I . . . approve of you but if you hurt her once I will kill you, you got that!’ dad threatened and when he threatens, he will deliver.

‘I promise I won’t sir.’ Seth said staring straight into dads eyes, trying to appear fearless but I knew he took the threat to heart since his hand that was laced with mine squeezed me tighter.

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