Chapter 20

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Hey guys!!!!! So today is just a short chapter to fill time.. because I am going back to NZ tomorrow for a holiday to see family and stuff so I won't have an opportunity to write while there..

I'll be gone for a month so next chapter will be in the middle of December..

Also this chapter isn't very good.. definitely not my best but as I said.. it's just a filler chapter and sorry for any grammar mistakes.. I'm not really happy with the chapter but it will have to do.. maybe when I finished I'll go back and change or fix some things..

Anyway I hope it's okay and I'll see you guys next time.. Ja


Chapter 20

Knock, Knock, Knock

My knuckles hit the wooden door in quick succession, waiting for an answer from the King. Immediately his answered called to us. "Come in!"

Still holding Seth's hand I opened the door walking in, dragging Seth with me. The King's face was clenched in concentration, looking down at a piece of paper he was holding. Hank was standing right next King looking at the same piece of paper.

"What is it?" he asked without even looking up. I raised an eyebrow and was about to retort sarcastically but thought better not. The King's already angered at the moment and I really don't want him to redirect that to me.

"I was just coming to see you to tell you about my talk with Colton." I walked further into the room sitting down on the chair immediately in front of his desk.

"How did it go?" he asked concerned and interested finally looking up at me.

"Relatively well I think. We have come to some sort of understanding I suppose but we will never be anything more than whatever we are now. And I told him about Stacey . . . or Maria. I don't even know what to call her anymore to be honest." I say distastefully.

His eyebrows rose in surprise. "That seems better than 'well' and I knew that you both could never be more than . . . acquaintances. So what did he say about Maria?" he folded his arms in front of him on the desk leaning towards me.

"He wants to talk to you about that. He said and I quote 'Get my father'" I did a very pour impersonation of Colton's voice but he seemed to get it.

"I see. I will visit him shortly. First we have to make a plan for training everyone and a strategy to defeat these rogues" a crease formed between his brows and he rubbed his temples. Obviously a headache was coming on.

I stayed quiet for a few minutes. Do I really want to suggest this? I suppose it will be good to learn and start taking control for when I'm queen but am I up to it. I guess I'm going to have to be. It's decided then.

"Go. Talk to your son. I'll take over here and get everything sorted so don't worry about!" I said standing and reaching across to gather the papers he had. They were a list of all the packs here, from names to ages and fighting ability. It was actually very helpful. I was already formulating plans on the trainings since that's what's needed most right now.

"Are you sure? You don't have to do that! I can see him later" he tried to reason.

"No I'm sure. Go to him." Was my reply glancing at him.

"But –"

"William!" I exclaimed. He stared at me in shock. That is the first time I have ever said just his name that it shocked both of us! But I carried on "you both need to talk. And I mean really talk. I'll be fine doing this and besides . . . it'll be good practice for me. I'll need to learn this anyway. Better to do it now when the opportunity has presented itself!"

He sighed but smiled "Thank you Ciara!" he stood stretching. Walking around the table he stood in front of me grabbing my shoulders. "You are going to make a fine Queen!" he stated proudly

I looked up into his eyes with a shy smile. "Thank you" I whispered. He leaned down kissing my forehead before heading out the door. Sigh! I walked around the desk to take the seat and get to work. This will take an hour or so.

I forgot about the other two in the room. "Do you need any help Lady Ciara?" Hank said from beside the desk.

I jumped, startled at his voice. "Oh! Hank! I forgot you were there. Sorry . . . umm yes please. We'll get this done faster if you help. You can help to Seth!" I say going back to the paper.

"Sure" they both reply pulling a chair closer to the desk. Time to start!

At the sight of everyone gathered in the auditorium I felt a moment of apprehension for just being in front of everyone. This would be my first time volunteering to speak publicly. Well, here goes! "Hello everybody! The king is currently busy with a few things so I will be taking over for today. Now, the main issue for today is training. I'm sure you all know about the coming war with the rogues! So in order to keep everyone safe and prepared I have worked out a training schedule for everyone. The king has put trust in me and his fellow warriors to train everyone. So please listen carefully for the next instructions because training will be immediately after this meeting.

Everyone will be put into groups of ten. First I want the children from the ages 6 to 12 to accompany me, and I will take you to a small wooded area just outside the auditorium. I will take care of you all with help from Seth. Then I want the girls of 13 to 16 to go with Hank." He stood in a line with the other trainers before taking a step forward so everyone knew who he was "He is the king's personal guard so you will be in good hands with him. The boys aged 13 to 16 please follow Daniel." The next to step forward "He is the king's beta. Next I want all the girls 17 to 25 to please follow Marcus" another one to step forward "He is a warrior. Next to boys aged 17 to 25 to follow Francis. He is also a warrior." He stepped forward "The females 26 to 50, you will all follow the warrior Greg. "a step forward "and the males 26 to 50 will follow Hamish." He step forward as well "The elders all have a choice to join in the battle or not. For those who would like to participate, you will follow James." Once again, a man stepped forward. He was a little older than everyone else. "And those of you who don't will follow Michael. You with the younger children will be going around the castle to know the layout and hidden compartments in case something was to go wrong. For those who physically cannot train I would like you to go with Liam. He will take you I know this isn't ideal for the parents with young children but this is so we know that everyone can defend themselves who are capable and even though you are training doesn't necessarily be in the thick of the battle. This is just precaution. Hopefully those who stay in the castle will not have to fight at all, but if you need to we know you are prepared.

Now if everyone cou-"

"Excuse me! I have something to say" the king walked out with Colton in tow. He seemed different. His shoulders were less tense and he looked serious and focused. A nice change really.

King William came to stand beside me. "Thank you very much Ciara. You have been a big helped with everything." He smiled "I just have a few words . . ?" he asked. I nodded "Of course!" I stepped back to besides Seth taking his hand.

"Thank you everyone for being patient and calm through all this. As Ciara said the training will take place as soon as I am finished here, so I will be really quick. Training will be from now until 9.00 tonight with of course breaks in between and dinner. Then when everyone has finished we will gather here for a set of drills I have designed to see how much you all have improved. Hopefully that will be very short . . . then after that I will be assigning people their roles when the time comes for war. My people's lives are at stake and I don't want any casualties on our side. Please follow all instructions properly. Next . . . my son will be participating in this event. We have had a talk and it seems he has had a moment of clarity. I will be watching over him at all times though because he still is under probation. Thank you all for your time . . . and let's get to training!" everyone cheered getting up and heading to their trainers for today.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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