Chapter 3

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Y/n pov:

"Who are you?"
Asked the woman with orange hair.

Before I could answer, I felt thin, cold, metal press lightly against my neck.
Frozen in place, I could only use my eyes to look around.

" name is Y/n L/n..I-I was send here to kill you..I was given no information..please don't hurt me.."
I muttered, scared to speak too much due to the sword that was being held at my throat.

"Hmm..who was it that sent you?"
The black haired woman questioned me.

"P-pi/n! Please just don't kill me!"
I yelled while squeezing my eyes shut.

I felt the cold metal leave my skin and slowly opened my eyes.

"You seem to have a bunch of injuries"
I heard someone mutter from below me to my left.

I questioned, I couldn't really hear all of what he had said due to him saying it so quietly.

As soon as I spoke he jumped and scurried away as quickly as he could, hiding behind the male with green hair.

"Oh! I-I didn't mean to scare you! I just didn't hear what you said.."
I panicked, I really didn't mean to scare him..I feel bad now..

"I-I said you seem to have a lot of injuries!" He shouts and everyone looks at me.

"It does. Are you ok?"
The orange haired lady asked me.

"U-umm.. Yes! I'm fine! This is just from...from..."
I tried to think of a 'logical' reason.

"Oh! From the trees! A-and..falling! Ya!"
I mentally slapped myself.

'Jesus that was so bad. 'Trees and falling' dumbass! No one would even believe that! If pi/n hadn't given me as much of a beating this week I would have been fine! I think..'

I started to speak.

"It doesn't seem like that. These are more like..."

I didn't even notice the reindeer once again standing close to me, inspecting my scrapes and bruises.

"Well these ones seem like scrapes from falling,"
He stated pointing towards my badly scraped hands and left knee.

"But those ones look like they

"From the trees! Ya! That's what they are!"
I cut him off before he could say anything else.

I don't know why I felt the need to hide the real reason but I did.
I know I suck at lying so I don't know why I'm trying to anyways.

I wanted to just run away and hide from everyone for the rest of my life. I wanted to forget about every bad interaction I've had with anyone in my life and just start over!

Everything was silent for a few seconds. I just awkwardly stood there and scratched the back of my neck nervously while considering running away to stop the painfully awkward interaction.

"Y-your scrapes look bad, and they look fresh meaning they have a chance of getting infected."
The reindeer spoke, breaking the awkward silence.

"O-oh umm..they do?"
I questioned.

"Usually I do nothing but put bandages over my serious injuries.."
I speak but immediately freeze, I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"I could treat to those scrapes if you'd like. They look like they have dirt in them.."
He says, getting a closer look at my knee.

"Your a doctor?"
I asked.

He answers.
I started to internally freak out.
'Omg!! So cute!! A talking reindeer that is also a doctor!! A...reindoctor!! Wait what.. wtf is a reindoctor?-' My thoughts were cut off as someone spoke.

"Who are you?" Luffy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now