Chapter 6

172 3 2

Tw: Drinking😵‍💫

Narrator's pov:

"Alright, let's get started on this tour, shall we?"


"Heck yeah!" Luffy exclaimed, excited to, hopefully, find more people to join his crew.
He thought about what kind of people he wanted to join his crew.
He already had a swordsman, cook, navigator, musician, mechanic, sniper, doctor, and historian.
What else is it that he needed...?
He had decided he'd just think about it later, and walked alongside his crew as Y/n showed them around the semi-small village.

~/Time skip. I apologize, I'm a little too lazy to write the tour and I also have no clue how too😅\~

"And lastly.." Y/n started as they all neared a small bar.
It was fr/n's (friends name) bar, it was currently open and didn't seem to have much people inside.
'Hmm..I guess today is one of their slower days.'
"This is 'the spirit bar', a bar in which is owned and run by my friend" Y/n smiled as she finished the bar's introduction.

"I'm hungryyyy. And my feet hurttt." Luffy whined while leaning against Y/n for support, trying to relieve some of the stress on his pained feet.

"We can go in if you would like? They sell food there and it really isn't expensive" Y/n suggested.
She also wanted to go in, she wanted to see her friend and was hungry as well.

"Sounds good to me" Zoro spoke, he wanted to take a nap and a nice drink didn't seem bad at all in his opinion.

"Alright! Let's go!" Luffy exclaimed, suddenly gaining all of his energy back and quickly walking into the bar.

Y/n and the rest of the straw hats followed after him, seeing him already stuffing his face with food.

"Oh! Hello Y/n!" Fr/n waved, acknowledging your presence.

"Hello Fr/n!" Y/n smiled at them, sending them a wave as well.

As Y/n nears the counter, Fr/n placed a f/d (fav drink) and f/f (fav food) on the counter, already knowing what she was going to order.

"Thank you" Y/n says as she sits next to luffy.

He was too focused on his food to realize Y/n taking a seat next to him.
Y/n sat silent for a while, drinking her f/d, eating her food, and thinking about random things.
But she was soon pulled from her thoughts as fr/n sat beside her, seeing as they had finally finished serving the few people + the straw hat crew, what they had wanted.

"Ok. We've got some things to talk about." Fr/n said, sternly, eyeing Y/n as she had a confused look on her face.

"..what about?" Y/n asked, clueless as to what could be such a important topic in which cause for Fr/n to look so serious.

"You know.. The whole 'Pi/n was defeated' and 'You have to give a tour to some pirates'?" Fr/n stated as though it was obvious.

"Ahh..I see. I apologize for not explaining the whole thing to you before leaving.." Y/n apologized, her eyes never leaving her drink in fear of seeing that Fr/n could possibly be angry with her.

"It's fine Y/n, I'm not angry with you." Fr/n said, giving the h/c haired girl a softer expression and placing a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

Y/n relaxed, finally looking towards her friend with a soft smile.
She was grateful that her friend was so understanding and wasn't angry with her.

"But.. If you don't mind, could you explain now as to what you were talking about? Because I'm still very confused!" Fr/n said giving Y/n a small chuckle.

"Who are you?" Luffy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now