Chapter 5

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Y/n pov-

"Yes, of course they will Y/n" Nami answered in a soft voice, yet it was so loud with confidence.

"...ok" I say while looking back at the building.

I, hesitatingly, headed to their ship with Nami and Chopper.
My hands were shaking and I was worrying my ass off but I didn't want to cause problems so I went.

                              • • •

After we arrived at the ship, chopper patched up my injuries from Pi/n, and the three of us (kind of awkwardly) talked until the rest of the crew got back.

"S-so.. umm.. is it fun?- I mean, being a pirate and all." I asked, avoiding eye contact with either of them.

"Hm.. Yeah, it's fun getting to visit new places and travel. Except when 'someone' gets into huge fights." Nami answered, referring to a certain someone, without looking up from the map she was focused on.

"What about you? You are technically a pirate too right? Considering your doing things for Pi/n." Chopper asked.

"Oh... I never thought of it like that.. that's so cool! I've been a pirate this whole time and I didn't even realize it!" I jumped around in excitement but quickly stopped.
"Ahem.. sorry." I awkwardly apologized and sat back down.

"Your good. There's nothing wrong with being excited!" Nami reassured, smiling at me as she rolling her map back up.

"WE'RE BACKKKK!!!" A familiar voice yelled from not that far away.

"Hey!" Chopper responded happily.

A started to feel a bit nervous and relieved at the same time, 'there back? That's good! And they don't look that hurt! But... now what?...'

"Nami-swann! L/n-swann!" I heard Sanji call as they got closer, bringing my focus away from my thoughts.

"Hello Sanji-san!" I waved and smiled, sanji's eyes had hearts in them and I got kind of scared.

"Are you ok L/n-san?" Luffy asked me once they got to the ship.

"Oh.. Ya! I'm ok! Thank you for asking." I nervously scratched the back of my neck as I answered.

"Are you sure? Cus you look like shit." He asked.

'Well he sure is brutally honest..'
"Yep!" I shot him a thumbs up and a nervous grin.

"Ok, if you say so. Sanjiiii, I'm hungryyyy!!!"
Luffy yelled towards the blonde whom was currently making heart eyes at Nami as she spoke to him.

"Wait a minute will ya?!" Sanji yelled back.

I chuckled at the sight as the two began to argue over food, but then realized that I promised one of the villagers that I would help them clean.
They were the only one that was nice to me, they would stick up for me sometimes and I really appreciated it.

"Shut up! L/n-swan is laughing and I want to hear it!" Sanji suddenly yelled and both him and Luffy looked at me.

I stoped laughing and got a little nervous.
"o-oh.. um.. hah.. I should get going.. I don't want to waste anymore of your time.. hah" I said and turned to walk away.

"Wait, we are staying here for a few days, so I was thinking maybe you could show us around a little bit?" Nami asked, holding her map up.

"Oh.. ya! Sure! Is there a specific time you would want to meet up?" I asked, turning back towards her.

"If you could just come back here in about an hour, that would be great." She smiled at me.

"Of course! See ya in an hour!" I walked away waving.


I arrived at my friends bar and they happily greeted me with a wave and smile.

"Hello Y/n! The stuff is where it always is!" They said, they had already started.

"Hey! Ok, I'll be back in a minute" I answered while walking towards the back.

I put on one of their aprons and gathered cleaning supplies in it.
After doing so, I started helping them clean up.


An hour and a half later

We finished cleaning and I plopped down on one of the chairs, F/n (friends name) plopping down on the one beside me.

"Thank you so much Y/n! I'm so glad that you help me so much. I don't know what I would do without you!"
F/n thanked.

"No problem! You know I would come to help you with anything."
I answered them.

"Jeez, that took us about an hour and a half! That's way longer then we usually take." They said, making me realize how long that actually took.

"Omg! I promised some pirates that I would show them around and I totally forgot! Im so late!" I said rushing to get up put the chair back.

"Oh..wait what?! Pirates?! And your showing them around?! What?!"
They said, realizing what I just said.

"Ya! They took down Pi/n and now I'm showing them around!"
I say quickly.

"They took down Pi/n?!"
They question in shock.

"Ya! I'm sorry, I'll explain later! I have to go! Bye see you later!"
I yell rushing out as they follow me to the door.

"Umm.. you still have my.. apron.."
They tried to warn, but I was long gone.


Narrator's pov

"Where is she? It's been almost an hour."
Nami questioned looking around.

"Maybe she can't make it?"
Usopp questioned and answered her at the same time.

"Aww man!"
Luffy pouted.

Sanji ran towards Y/n with heart eyes.

Y/n stopped running and tried to catch her breath, her breathing calmed after a few seconds while Sanji ran up to her and gave her a hug.

'What? Why is he giving me a hug'
She questioned in her head but hugged him back with a smile.

"Hey!! I want a hug too!!"
Luffy yelled, stretched his arms, and wrap when around Y/n.
He quickly pulled his arms back making Sanji let her go and her yell a little in fear.

He hugged her with a smile, lifting her off of the ground.
She laughed and hugged him back, but once he let her go she felt a bit lonely.

She barley got hugs from anyone, other than the ones from F/n, but she still loved them.
With that being said, she really appreciates any hug she is given from anyone.

"Alright, let's get started on this tour, shall we?"


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