Reality and Dreams. (Chapter 1)

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Tallishi was out running some loud.. obnoxious.. image? It's confusing to explain really, but all she knew, is that whatever it was, scared the fuck out of her.

Suddenly, she woke up, breathing heavily, and sweating, immediately looking around at her surroundings in a panic as she sat up, before realizing she was awake.

"Damn.. another nightmare?" She sighed, rolling out of bed.

She immediately went to the bathroom to go do normal human things, get dressed, brush her hair, brush her teeth, the usual things you would do on a daily basis.

She then ran over to her computer, looking at what time it is.

It was currently 11:59 am on a Saturday afternoon, and she immediately booted up Twitter, Discord, Roblox, and OBS Studio.

"Alright.. let's see if Chat is bugging me to get on and stream today.." Tallishi said, as she rubbed one of her eyes tiredly, looking at the screen.

She scrolled through Twitter, at the endless questions asking her when she would be online, as she smiled slightly. Tallishi never fully understood why her chat cared for her so much.. but she was grateful, despite not showing it.

She went to open a new tab, and she immediately opened Twitch, creating a new stream with a good title and thumbnail, then started the stream.

The stream stayed on the default 'Stream is about to start' screen, with the 3 minute countdown with music, and she took a moment to get fully ready for the stream.

Tallishi took a moment to inhale, and then exhale, as she grabbed a plastic water bottle with water in it from under her desk, and looked at the checklist beside her desk.

"Right, so I have my headphones, my notebook, a pen, some water, a charger, a fan Incase I get too hot, blanket Incase I get too cold, a list of activities.. I think I'm good to start." Tallishi said to herself, before going to Discord and messaging her moderators to get online for the stream.

Once the Moderators joined, she started the stream as it switched to her Webcam, and she waved.

"Welcome back to the stream! How is everyone doing?" Tallishi asked the stream happily.

Tallishi acts like a whole entire different person when streaming really, she actually shows things, seems happy, unlike in reality where she seems constantly pissed off or dead inside.

The stream continued for an hour or so, it was mostly just a chatting stream, as she started to slightly feel sick after a bit towards the end.

"I think that Japanese snack I ate on stream might've been expired.." Tallishi admitted with a sigh. "I think I'm gonna end the stream here since I'm about to throw up, I'll see you next stream, bye." She grinned and waved as she finally ended the stream.

Once the stream was finished, she switched tabs, switching to Roblox just as she slammed her head down.

It wasn't even her fault, she just couldn't hold herself up anymore, as she noticed she was beginning to shake, she couldn't move at all.

Tallishi began to panic, she started to feel her own heartbeat in her head, as she forced herself to get up once more, standing up out of fear of dying.

Tallishi looked at the computer screen, it started becoming harder for her to breathe, so she immediately reached for the phone to try and dial 911, but..

Tallishi completely collapsed before she could make it, knocked out.

The last thing Tallishi saw, was the words on her computer reading..



Word Count: 596

This is a bit of a short chapter because it's only the introduction chapter, but the next chapters will be ALOT longer.

Anyways, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And I'll see you next chapter.

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