EVADING DEATH. (Chapter 2)

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As Tallishi started to wake up once more, she was greeted with the cold ground, fresh air, and a strong breeze.

Somebody pulled her up by her arms, which caused her immediately to snap back to reality.

She was greeted by a tall male, wearing military type clothing, with a vest, some goggles, a mask, some other stuff, that was currently pointing a gun to her head.

"Who ARE you?" The male shouted, pointing the gun to her head. "Tell us, we won't hesitate to fucking shoot."

"..My name is Tallishi, and that'd be a very poor decision, if I were you." Tallishi threatened, as she escaped the other soldiers grip, twirling around, and knocking them to the floor, taking the gun out of their hands as she placed her foot on his back, trapping him down.

"Either you tell me where I am, or your little friend here gets it." Tallishi threatened, with the gun pointed to the guy's head.

"..You seriously don't know where you are?" The original guy said, breaking his coding for just a moment, sure he was part of the game, but.. weren't all of these people players? That was what he thought Atleast, they select the game and join it.. right?

"No, of course I fucking don't!" Tallishi snapped, throwing one of her arms in the air as she spoke. "And it's a bit weird when the first thing I get is some random guy pointing a gun to my head! So welcoming, if you ask me." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"We got a feisty one." He radio'd in, as more soldiers surrounded the two.

"Well, your in a game called Evade, I thought you would know that?" He said, crossing his arms and putting away his weapon. "Now I would appreciate if you could let my teammate up."

"Evade.. as in the Roblox game?" Tallishi asks, narrowing her eyes.

He would nod, as he glanced to a few of his other teammates, who also put away their weapons. "We can tell you more, if you put the gun away."

Tallishi hesitated for a moment, before letting out a sigh, letting the guy underneath her up, and kicking the gun away. "Tell me all you know."

The soldiers would nod, as the one that had been talking to her the whole time stepped up, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"So, we're a part of this game, obviously.. like NPCs, those over there though." He pointed to a large group of other humans, that had gotten shot by the other Soldiers. "Those are Players.. I can tell you ain't a ordinary Player though, your actions are different, you seem more.. real, then them." He admitted.

"So.. Players behind a screen, unlike me, who's.. here?" Tallishi questioned, as the Soldier beside her nodded in response.

"You're the only one I've seen actually IN the game, though, which is a little concernin, If you ask me.." He said.

"..Right, I should probably be on my way now." Tallishi admitted, attempting to leave before the guy grabbed her wrist.

"I'm not done." He sternly said, causing Tallishi to jump a bit, which brought a smile to his face.

"Shit, Sorry- Continue-" Tallishi quickly said, going back to listening immediately.

The tall man laughed, and pat her head. "It's fine, bud. As I was saying.. usually we're helping the Players, but.. this is a special round, they happen every 3 rounds, this is a specific round where it's us against you." He explained.

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