Chapter two

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C H A P T E R 2 // Arrival

During the month leading up to orientation day at St. Argent's, Eros and I trained extra hard with the help of Macey. I also mucked out a few stalls at Macey's barn for some extra cash to help pay for the horse float rental. 

On the flat, Eros was getting better and better. With the help of oats, his laziness was no more. We were leg-yielding across the diagonal of the dressage arena and his forward moving walk was extraordinary. 

In the jumping ring, we were exceeding heights, with one metre ten being our smallest. Eros loved to jump and he never failed to make that clear. He did everything I asked for and more. 

"Olivia, honey, are you ready?" Mum asks from the other side of my closed bedroom door. 

I stare around at my bedroom, noticing the sun marks on the walls where my ribbons once were. They were now in one of my suitcases. I take a second to double check I had everything before I reply with a quick "yep". 

Opening my bedroom door, I lead my two suitcases out into the hall. Mum's standing there with her car keys and bag in hand. She gives me a small smile and takes one of the suitcases from me. 

"Are you sure we're allowed to drop my things off today?" I ask, staring at my cases. "It's only orientation." 

Mum starts walking down the hall, dragging the suitcase behind her. "I think it's best to get everything there now, Olivia. I already spoke to Gloria about it and she said it's completely fine for you and your things to stay there during the week leading up to the start of the school year." By now we're already walking out the front door and towards the truck, which has the horse float already hooked on. Macey is leaning against the truck, picking at her nails. 

I huff in response. I'm not complaining about going to St. Argent's early, it's just I'd rather not be the weird girl whose mother left her there before the school year even started. 

Macey looks up as we approach and grins. "Look at you!" She coos, walking over and taking my suitcase from me. "Are you excited?" She asks. 

I let the grin I've been holding back all morning spread across my face and she laughs. "I guess that's my answer." She teases, walking back towards the truck and putting my suitcase in the back seat. "Eros saw the float coming and got excited." She says, turning back to face us.

I roll my eyes. "He probably thinks he's getting a new friend. I better go and get him, I'll be back." 

Mum and Macey give their okays and I walk off in the direction of Eros' pasture. Sure enough, he's prancing around his pasture's boundary, ears perked and tail up high. I stop and admire him. He's one beautiful animal.

After admiring him, I put his head halter on and lead him over to the horse float. Macey puts his travel boots on and we all giggle as Eros walks with his legs up high, as though he's a marching soldier. He floats easily, walking right up the ramp and snacking on the hay we put in the hay bag. 

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