Chapter three

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C H A P T E R 3 // Orientation

"Orientation will consist of three things," Gloria announces, folding her hands behind her back and walking back and forth. "Firstly, each of you will try out for a spot on one of three teams; show jumping, dressage and cross country. If you make the team, you'll be given your position. If you don't, don't worry, there's always next try-outs. Secondly, after you've tried out for your chosen team, you'll have your first lesson; show jumping. Don't panic if show jumping isn't your forte," she says, responding to those students who groaned.

"This is what the lesson is for. You'll be divided up again into your level of skill, and then the next two lessons will commence; dressage and cross country. As you may have already figured out, the process of grading will repeat."

I shift in the saddle at the mention of cross country. Eros and I sucked at cross country. Just the thought of the freedom of space sends a shiver down my spine.

"And lastly, we'll have a little bit of fun." Gloria says, smiling as a few students begin to whisper. "You'll change into something you won't mind getting wet, and we'll all go for a trail ride down to the river."

I, like everyone else, let out a loud whoop of approval. River turns to face me and gives me a massive grin and a thumbs up. I grin back.

"Now, please head over to either myself or Steven. For those of you wanting to try out for show jumping, stay here and wait for Victor. He shouldn't be long."

Gloria and Steven exit the arena and majority of students follow after them, River included. Only a few remain in the show jumping arena and I immediately notice Blake and Reaper have remained behind. I bite the inside of my cheek and squeeze Eros forward, walking over to the group of riders who stayed.

"I'm so looking forward to meeting Victor," one of the girls is saying, her voice laced with authority. Immediately I label her as posh. "My mother was on the board with him at his last school. I guess you can say he's a family friend."

Definitely posh.

Blake and Reaper join the group then, too, coming to a halt beside Eros and I. I peek at him out of the corner of my eye and notice he's looking from rider to rider. When his eyes land on me, I focus my attention on fixing up my reins.

"I'm Megan by the way," the girl continues. "And this is Garnet." She rubs her chestnut mare's neck before looking at the boy beside her. "And you are?"

"Paul." He replies, nodding. His voice is deep, a little too deep and his horse looks clumsily saddled up. I fight back a smile as his horse yawns. "Oh, and this is Saint." I notice that he's the boy with the appaloosa gelding.

"Blake," Blake introduces and I feel the tips of my ears turn red. His voice is deep as well, but has a sense of silkiness to it. Megan immediately holds herself seductively, sending him a flirty wave. Blake ignores it however and introduces Reaper.

Everyone's eyes are on me now and I clear my throat. "I'm Olivia and this is Eros." I say, my voice wavering. As soon as I've spoken I curse myself mentally.

Way to make yourself look like a twelve-year-old.

Megan hums and shoots me a glare. I furrow my eyebrows in response and busy myself with stroking Eros' mane. What's her problem?

A few minutes of silence pass before a dark-haired man enters the arena. "Good to see you're all warming up." He barks, walking straight over and setting up a jumps course.

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