Chapter four

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C H A P T E R 4 // The River [Part 1]

"Are you going to the river?"

I look up at Blake in surprise. He's leaning against the door of Eros' stall with a small smile on his face. I fiddle with Eros' body brush and lean against his shoulder. "I wasn't planning on it," I say, rubbing the brush's bristles over the skin of my palm. "It's been a pretty eventful day for Eros."

Blake's smile wavers but he regains himself. Before I can even question it, he speaks. "Come with me. I'm not taking Reaper, either. I know Megan and Paul are going, Poppy too. We can all get to know each other, seeing as some of us are gonna be on the show jumping team together."

I look at Eros, whose eyes are closed, and then to Blake, whose lips are still in the same smile. There's even crinkles around the corners of his brown eyes. I sigh and chuck the brush into my brush box. "Fine," I say, giving in, thinking of River and how she'll be all by herself if I didn't go. "What time are you going?"

Blake grins and opens Eros' stall door for me. "Around five." He replies. I pick up the brush box and exit the stall. Eros makes a noise and hangs his head over the door, now wide-awake. I look guiltily at him in the small boxed stall and bite my lip. "Is there a way for Eros to have a pasture?" I ask Blake.

Blake shrugs. "No harm in asking. But we'll do that after the river. I'm sure it won't kill Eros to spend a few extra hours in the stall."

My heart still pangs with guilt as I place my brush box in my very own section of the tack room. One of the many things I like about St. Argent's is the tack room. It's massive, and everyone has their own section and locker. Mine was next to a girl called Kelsey, the same girl whom I shared a dorm with I assume.

Speaking of. "Well I guess I'll see you at five." I say, scratching my arm. "I'm gonna head over to my dorm and settle in."

Blake and I part ways and I start on my journey to the dorm rooms with the use of the black plastic folder mum gave me before she left. The entire way is paved in a dark grey cobblestone, with rich green grass on each side. Big oak trees line the path, spaced out every few meters. As I near the building I'm completely awestruck. It's nothing as I imagined. The building is three storeys high, with the first level being a small café, with ribbons and photos of famous riders and students placed on the walls.

A few students are littered randomly in the café, many of which are still wearing their jodhpurs and riding boots. I walk up the stairs and make my way to where I assume 7B is.

In the end after a few wrong turns I find myself standing outside my room. I take out the card key from the folder and let myself in, straight away noticing my array of suitcases on the left side of the room.

The side of the room that is completely bare. It seems that Kelsey has already unpacked her things fairly quickly, with her side of the room being completely set up with ribbons, which, surprisingly, are from show jumping. Curiously, I walk over and inspect them, noticing how they're of a higher grade than mine and probably even Blake's.

On her nightstand is a photo of what I assume to be her horse. He's a striking looking horse, an Arabian I take a guess. He's a bay with four long stockings being his only markings.

I sigh and sit down on my bed, taking in the day so far. Everyone here has such talent and they're definitely not afraid to show it off, and their horses seem to be professionally trained. I automatically think of Megan and Garnet and sneer, ultimately feeling sorry for Garnet. It's clear Megan has little to no love for her horse, and if she does she doesn't show it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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