Chapter 2:

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Friends are family too

I strolled along the hallway heading towards the locker. The metal slowly being eaten away by rust. I miss those days when students were noisy and roudy, greeting each other and saying goodbyes. Now its just a lonely and gloomy hallway filled with depressed teachers and students.

Once i reached the locker, i grab my books and files for homework later. I was still thinking about the general's words when my name was being shouted afar, breaking the silence.

"SEOHYUN!" My eyes widened in shock as i turn to face the source of the sound. The three of my closest friends came running to me as the other students which still lingered stopped to stare at me. I put my hands to my forehead and massage it.

Haish, can they stop embarrassing me for god sake.

Their boots clanked at the cemented floor as they ran.

"What happened? Where did you went?" Yuri said panting.

"Guys calm down. I'm alright. Its not like im being sent to jail for a crime. What will i ever do?"

Yoona laughed, "Well you did kinda throw a stone towards a policeman once."

"Hey, its a pebble. But well he deserve it for his drunken attitude. Anyways, I've got stories to tell you guys. Can we go to the cafeteria? Im hungry. They didn't give me food there." We walked as i chatted.

"So, seohyun. What was it like being with the strongest soldier? Oh my god it has been my dream. Handsome and strong," hyoyeon drooled.

"What? I can't believe you said that. And for your information, he's very hot- tempered. Guess what? He called me immature!" I said as we sat down to the nearest table.

"Why would he called you that?" Yuri laughed.

"I kinda got angry."

"Ah, no wonder," Yoona took a sip of her drink.

I crunched on my biscuits, gulped and began. "Okay okay, here goes. Firstly, the general invited me and you guys to join the corps annihilation."

Yoona spit out her drink."What?! Omg are you effing kidding me. Its my dream come true!" And she squeals. "But wait, what about military service? We need to go through general training before officially enter it right?" Yoona is a sporty person. She does martial arts and take sword fighting. And what's cool about her is that she learnt that all by herself from a book and some observing. She have been dreaming of joining the Corps annihilation ever since. Corps Annihilation is a school or the army of military training mostly for soldiers who have trained for years to be apart of it. You get a dorm of your own and free food and stuff. But, i don't really know why Yoona loves the extreme training though.

"Gosh Yoona! Your drink almost went for my shirt!" Yuri exclaimed, pushing her chair away from the table.

"Nope. The general said we were a special case. Oh and including the rest were of the class too. He said they were short of manpower. He'd call us anyway in the future right?" I paused, after drinking my iced lemon tea. "It's not just that. They think i am a Havoc."

"So my hypothesis was true. That surge of emotion you felt and the mutants that directed to you 3 years ago was real. You were mind controlling! Scientifically speaking, the havoc can develop more abilites as you aged," hyoyeon said. She is known for her science-based thinking. Well.. Technically..

"Yah, does this means your parents or your sister is a havoc too?" Yoona wondered.

"Im not sure," i rubbed my chin.

"But we will be starting next week. Our training. "

"Ow yeah!" Yoona cheered and i just shook my head. We finished up our meal and walked home together. My friends seemed to agree about joining with me. We, at least, are doing something for a change, considering we only have ourselves.

So here's a brief information on my friends. Yoona, a strong and passionate girl who would do anything to achieve her goals, even sacrificing. We are of the same age as well as the others. Unfortunately her parents died three years ago in the attack. Yoona managed to escaped in time. So she has dedicated to all her life for this training. Hyoyeon on the other hand, her mother died in the war too but her dad have been working in Mystic city to support him and her daughters, Kim Taeyeon and hyoyeon herself. Both are blessed with blonde hair but her sister is a few years older than me. Taeyeon used to be best friends with my sister too. And Lastly, Yuri was an orphan. She knew her mom and dad but didn't took a grudge against them foe throwing. Why? Because she found us. She have found someone to depen on. She call us a family. She has got no siblings just like me but tried very hard to be the cheerfulest of them all.

You see, this is just not an ordinary war. These mutants are extremely dangerous to humans. Maybe up to the extinction of humanity. There are a threat to human beings and have a high sensitivity of smell of human. They don't eat animals or any living breed except for humans. They have continuous hunger for human flesh meaning they don't get full after even eating a dozen human bodies. So we don't exactly know if they consume us, human beings for fun or just simply hunger.

Anyways, there's a common place where we would go to relax our mind and just rest. It's a place we visit almost everyday.

"Ah, the weather is so nice. The sky is bright and its so windy," Yuri said lying the mat down to sit on.

We went on top of a hill which stood a lonely willow tree. The green meadows stretch far across the infinity towards the Mystic City. We could see the border along with the twinkling nights across the city. We named this hill, Silent hill as to the peaceful and the calmness.

"We'll soon be going there," Yoona murmured, her eyes glistened as the sun rays fell upon her eyes.

"I'm tired from all the work at the lab but it was fun," hyoyeon massage her shoulders as she layed down onto the mat.

Yuri plopped down on the mat and took something out of her sling purse. She brought out 4 brown suede braided headpiece and gave it to us.

"Here," giving me one as i was the nearest to her then giving each to the rest.

"Headband?" i said in awe, touching the headband. Yuri is crafty. She had talented hands. She could sew, knit, cook, and create other stuff.

"Yeah. I made them. This is something to represent us. We're warriors aren't we? I hope you guys wear it," she put on the headband across her forehead, smiling. Now, she look beautiful and almost like a female heroine.

"Thanks yuri. I'll wear it now," yoona thanked as she wear it like yuri does. Then i decided to follow her too. Then hyoyeon. The contrast color of the braided strings were a nice touch on our foreheads. It also kept my hair from falling too much.

Yoona grinned but then slouched down beside the willow tree.

"I miss my parents." Her jet black hair flew freely. Tears trickled down her cheeks.

"Hey hey hey, yoona. Think of this place to take your mind off somthing. Relax okay? Were here to ease our minds. Bask in and feel the nature around you. But if you can't, just let it all out," i took out a piece of tissue and wiped her tears but they were still streaming down. All i could do was hugged her and lend my shoulders for her to cry on. I patted her soft silky hair.

One day, I'll be as strongest and wipe them all from this world till there are no traces left. I'm bringing back humanity.

We're family now. Whatever we plan and do, we stick together. We don't ever leave them behind. Ever.


Author's note:

Meh, short chapter but its an explanation to Seohyuns friendship and her life with her friends.

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