Chapter 17

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The Long lost

Pain stabbed through my heart. I could feel my chest scream from the agony. My mind ache, throbbing. The blurry world circled before me. Sweat drenched me as i tried moving my arms and legs but to no avail. I was being restrained. I screamed at no where in particular before-

"Seohyun!" My eyes darted opened and i shoot straight up, panting. "You were shouting in your sleep," Yuri said. I looked to yuri to see Kyuhyun beside worried.

Tears collected at the corner of my eyes again. "It was another nightmare wasn't it?" Kyuhyun said, assuring me by placing his hand onto my tighs.

The corporal looked unsettling, nervous and frightened. He looked at Yoona and back to the others who were preparing for breakfast.

My face grew serious, "What's wrong?" Yoona looked away. "Tell me!"

"You were in contact with a mutant, seo."

"I- W-what?!" I yelped, suprised at my just-awaken-from-sleep voice.

"Last night when kyu took watch, he almost dozed off when a mutant came by, almost biting your head off," Yoona explained, handing me a bottle of water.

I widened my eyes in horror."Am i going to..." i trailed off, gulping.

"Not really," he said as My head shot up. "I injected you with the serum in your pocket. But the ironic thing is, you didn't show any transformation. After a minute of touch, the skin should probably turn into one."

"And? How long has it been since the mutant came in contact with me?" I said, freaking out.

"3 hours ago," I blinked, pulling my hair backwards.

"So what are you implementing?" I looked down.

Kyuhyun looked into my eyes before saying, "We think you're immune."

I stared into the ground hard, not sure of what to do. I couldn't trust myself. Me, immune? That sort of explained why back in mount mystic, i never transformed into one. I felt a hand grabbed me. It touched my neck. I should be turning into one but I was immune.

"Here's the deal. N and i have come up with some theories and explanations. We also researched a few things in the book," Hyoyeon gulped some coffee before beginning, "Seohyun told me about the incident back in Mount Mystic and during the last battle in pyradox town. The contact with mutants never changed her so it is safe to say she is immune to it. But what her body does inside is her blood can replenish and replace in her system. This disease eats up the red blood cells leaving behind most of the white blood cells. What we've learned so far in CA, This disease also causes the human brain to malfunction. You can see why they trash about their own lives. So when it penetrated her skin, new blood cells quickly gets rid of the existing mutated blood cells."

"And so this means your body is capable of creating alot of new blood cells," N concluded.

I rose my hand up. "Wow wow woah. Wait a sec. My body is able to do that? How?"

Hyoyeon shrugged. "Maybe it's one of your havoc abilities."

"What about corporal kyuhyun?"

"Never come in contact of any of 'em. So i don't really know," kyuhyun replied for me and i sat in silence.

"Better safe than sorry," Corporal Sooyoung said.

It's nice to hear all this time I'm immune to them. Who was i kidding? I could have at least done something with it.

Don't be stupid, ms reckless. I don't want you dying on me. A voice replied in my head and i jumped. 

I instantly looking towards corporal Kyuhyun. His corner of his lips almost curved up. Instead, his facial expression remained, listening to Donghae's talk. 

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