Chapter 11

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Mission Impossible

The day of banishing is getting nearer than ever. My mind goes insane when i hear about the outside world. I doubt they would want us back. This mission will proof to us how valuable we are.

I hear muffled breathes, counting beside me. I rubbed my eyes and turn slowly in my bed.

"33.. 34... 35..."

My eyes adjusted to the darkness as i witnessed Hyoyeon doing push-ups. I looked at my wrist watch. "Hyoyeon.. It's 4am. Soldier hours haven't start until 6. And it's still dark out there. Have some-"

"Stop it Seohyun! You want to laze around go ahead. Don't come to me, begging me for protection when you're just inches away from death!" I flinched retreating my hand that was about to touch Hyoyeon's shoulder.

Part of Hyoyeon was right. It's just two more days until the banishing day and we're still lacking in our trainings. Hyoyeon's arm had tightened and muscles in her legs as well.

Hyoyeon's voice turned soft but gloomy afterward, "I'm going out in the park. We'll meet at the court yard." I heard the door slam behind me as Yuri jolted awake. 

"What happened?" She squints in the dim light.

"I've tried everything to confront Hyo. Does she ever notice our care?"

"Come on Seo, it's not everyday that your own sister is eaten alive right? Give her some time."

"And when will that time come? She's pushing us away!" I sat on my bed and stared at a photo frame beside Hyoyeon's bed. It's a photo of her and Taeyeon.

Yuri sighed and ruffled her messy hair in defeat, "Hyoyeon cannot receive the truth, Seo. We can only afford to watch her from afar so that she doesn't do anything rash. Don't pressure her anymore, you got it?" I nod slowly. "Now please wake me up in 40 minutes time. Im reallllyyyyyy sleepyyy," Yuri mumbled in the pillow. Instantly, i hear her snore. I shook my head and got up.

"You know my sister died too," I talked to myself.

I got up, and slip on my bath slippers. No use sleeping if you are just gonna roll in bed all day. Why didn't i tell hyoyeon on that day? We could have save Taeyeon and none of this would've happen. I stepped into the bathroom and bring myself to the mirror near the sink. I see myself an image of a girl messy and unruly hair and dark circles under her eyes.

"Gosh seohyun," I spat at the mirror before the image. "Is this what you want to become?" The image of me stared back at me. I stared into my brown eyes. They're deep and empty.

I clutched my head as a voice echoed my brain. "Yeah seohyun. Is this what you want to become? Useless? You brought nothing but sadness and death." I recognize voice. It's my friends. They're all Luna, Taemin, Sehun and Taeyeon in one voice. The voice laughed. "You're nothing but a coward. Haven't you learnt your lesson already? You're a coward. Say it."

"No! I'm not a coward, idiot! Get off my head!" I slam my fist in the mirror as it cracked. Blood smeared. I looked up at my teary eyes as what i saw in front of me bewildered me.

Around me, shiny crystals shaped like dagger, stood floating in mid-air, pointing directly towards me as if its ready to drive into me at any second. It took me a while to register. I screamed in fear. I stepped back, tripped and fell butt first. I knock my head against the sink. The crystals then dropped and burst into liquid water, wetting the floor which was dry.

"Seohyun!" Yuri and Yoona banged open the door. "Are you ok? What in the world happened?"

"Seo! Your knuckles! Your forehead! It's cut! And bleeding. Again. I'll go get Kyuhyun," Yoona said hurriedly and then went off to fetch Corporal. We had to move out from normal dorms. Technically we don't have the privilege anymore. Temporarily, me and corporal Kyuhyun had to slept in an empty apartment. The apartment was pretty spacious and big. Corporal Kyuhyun has his own room and the bigger much larger than a master bedroom i share it with Yuri, Yoona and Hyoyeon. Besides it'd be weird to have only me and the Corporal sleeping in one apartment.

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