Chapter 8

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Memories and what remains

I looked around the entire village. There were burned and collapsed houses, crows mockingly flew in circles as it land down, picking on ruined crops. Debris, ashes and dusts clogs the air. I looked around me as villagers and the soldier themselves were crying out of grief of their loved ones. Reality seems to sunk in much slower than i thought. Our home. Its gone. This scenery..... depicts my visions and those dreams. Those flashes of images. So they were really true.

We approached the streets and turned to my left. My throat suddenly felt dry. Our house should be standing here. Next to that coffee shop. There should be lights still switched on. Sister Taeyeon should be by the window balcony ready to welcome us. Instead, the 2 story building had crumbled to pieces and there was no sign of Taeyeon.

Hyoyeon who was beside me dropped to the ground in defeat. "Taeyeon," she murmered with widened eyes. Her headband loosened as her dirty blonde hair fell. Her bird flew away then returned to her shoulders at the sudden shock. The bird crowed sadly.

Just as yuri was about to comfort her, Hyoyeon ran towards the destroyed building and began digging away crushed rocks.

"Taeyeon! It can't be! Don't leave me!" Tears flooded her eyes once again, drenching her war suit in a minute.

I stood paralyzed on the spot. Yuri and Yoona ran after hyoyeon trying to confront her.

"Hyoyeon, no please. Stop." Yuri sobbed as her hands trembled to reach hyoyeon. Snowy wiggled and ran after her. "You can't dig out rocks. They're dangerous. You'll get cuts." But hyoyeon already had cuts before even digging. The cut deepens as she tried to lift them. Yoona, in tears too, rushed to fetch some first aids.

Slowly, tears started to well up in me. I stared at hyoyeon, shouting and trashing for her beloved sister. Taeyeon was like a sister to us too. When i lost my sister, in my teenage hood, she would care for us without complains. She was understanding and caring towards us. I was about to think my second sister would be taeyeon but to be taken away again. Tears trickled down my cheeks. My lips trembled.

Before angry thoughts started to fill my mind, The corporal spoke from behind, "Don't regret the choices you've made. Remember your purpose," i looked down to the ground. He gave me somewhat a cracked photo frame of the four of us including Taeyeon. It's a candid photo of us smiling and laughing. I push my hair to the back of my ear as i gripped the photo frame. "People die but we carry their memory." He must have took it from the remains. He acknowledge me through squeezing gently on my shoulder and returned to the general for reports on the Town. Nearly all were wiped out. Few barely managed to survive after we got here. 

After that, the remaining victims of the attack on pyradox town were to bring  to Mystic City for further questioning and details on the war and also be provided with shelter. For now, we have to abandon our home Town. 

It mean I am also a refugee.

I stroll around the area of my house hugging my arms in the cold wind. I can't let my guard down but I couldn't stop my tears from rolling out. A tiny shiny light caught my attention as I crouched down to find something silver. It was my sister's necklace. The silver pendant which was carved into an image of wings, were dirty. I squeezed it tightly to my chest and sat down knee first.

I'm sorry, sister.

And i broke down.

Flashback to 2060.

I was 5 years old back then.

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