Burn Day

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Description:  Matt gets burned trying to start a grill while everybody else is having fun

It was a windy fall day, and Laura and Junior were demonstrating kite flying to their siblings.

" ok Franklin, just hold the string and don't let go," instructed Laura. Franklin was a bit small, so the string was attached to his waist.

" ok, you guys hold the string, and I'll run," said Junior, " and no putting it in your mouths. That means you, Leroy. "
Leroy and Ernest were small too, so they also had the strings tied to their waists.

" Hey, don't let Franklin go for a ride!" Yelled Jackie. " Yeah, same goes for you, Junior!" Yelled Inez.
" Don't worry, they're tied on pretty good. They might get dragged, but they won't go airborne," Laura assured the adults.

" Hey, where are the guys??" Asked Jackie.

Meanwhile, Bob and Matt were having some technical difficulties.

" Are you sure that this grill needs more lighter fluid?" Asked Bob. " Of course, I'm sure. I couldn't get this thing to fire up last weekend, so I'm making sure it does this time, " replied Matt. Bob wisely took several steps back. " ok, I'm gonna light it now," warned Matt. Bob had retreated behind a pile of junk metal. " ok, I got 911 almost punched in, light it up," replied Bob.

As Bob predicted, there was a massive explosion. 

" Are you ok, Matt?" Asked Bob. " I think I burned off my eyebrows and can't feel my fingers on one hand," replied Matt. " it looks painful," said Bob. " I am very much in pain right now. Unfortunately, being guys, we can't cry or scream in pain, " replied Matt. 

Bob decided to text Jackie and find out what they should do.

"Hey, I got a text from Bob. Apparently, there was a tiny explosion with the grill. Bob says Matt added too much lighter fluid, causing an explosion. He also adds that Matt needs medical attention. He says it's mostly burn related. He wants to know what we should do, " explained Jackie.

"I better call in the kids. Looks like playtime is over, " groaned Inez. " and call my mother." Yeah, I better call mine too," agreed Jackie. Once the kids were being babysat, it was time to get to the hospital.  " Sorry about interrupting your bridge game. Unfortunately, being burned in a grill fire isn't something that can be fixed at home, " said Inez. " That's okay, it's nice seeing my grandkids. Hopefully, the burns aren't serious, " replied Inez's  mother.

At the hospital, Matt finally couldn't hold back, making painful noises.  Bob, Jackie, and Inez felt bad. " it's ok, it'll be over soon," Inez tried to reassure him.  " I've never been in this mutch pain before," Matt whined.

After a few minutes, they were called back. The nurse obviously hadn't seen a ton of burn victims and almost screamed. " Sorry, I'm not used to treating burn victims," apologized the nurse.

" That's ok. My husband isn't used to being burned, " replied Inez. " ok, what happened?" Asked the nurse. "

"We were having a BBQ with our friends. Matt was having issues starting the grill. He made the bad decision to add more lighter fluid than he was supposed to. The grill blew up in his face, and here we are, " explained Inez.

The doctor came in and started checking things. " ok, the first thing is to clean up the areas. We need it clean to check the actual burns" said the doctor.  Matt wasn't crazy about the burns being touched. He couldn't stop yelping.

" Luckily, the burns on your face are mild.  If you apply this topical gel, those will clear right up. Now the arms are a different story.  You have a mix of 2nd and 3rd degree burns. You'll need medication, lotion AND a nightly bandage change" replied the doctor.

After several hours, everybody was home.  " did you learn anything from this experience" Asked Inez. " yup, I'm sticking to matches" replied Matt.

Inez just groaned as she changed the bandages. " well, now thar the bandages are changed let's go to bed" suggested Inez.

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