" im bored

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Luckily for Inez, Matt just slept the rest of the day and most of the night.
This gave her a chance to lay down temporary ground rules with the kids.

" ok, rule #1. Don't make things difficult. This means actually cleaning up after yourselves and eating what's on your plate. I don't have as much time right now. I'm doing housework AND your dad's chores right now.

Rule#2. No playing rough with your dad. He broke a couple of bones, and jumping on top of him or wrestling won't help.

Rule #3. If your dad needs something, then you get it for him. He's not very mobile right now, " explained Inez.

" ok, Mommy. What CAN we do with Daddy?" Asked Junior. " Board games are good. Also, card games. Just nothing involving him getting up, " explained Inez.


Matt woke up feeling sore. " Hey, why don't I remember anything after the emergency room?" He asked. " Hey, you're awake. Well, the doctors fixed your leg. They heavily medicated you, and you thought we were being invaded by noodle people, " explained Inez. " Wow, that had to be interesting to deal with," said Matt. " Yup, you tried to make a fort out of the stuff on the bed. Speaking of which, you have to stay put and elevate your leg for 2 weeks, " replied Inez.

" But I'll get bored really fast," whined Matt. "  Well, I think you could talk one of the kids into a game," smiled Inez.  " As long as I'm stuck here, can I get some food, please?" Asked Matt.
" Sure, I'll get some eggs," smiled Inez.

Inez got a text from Jackie a few minutes later.

" How's it going today?"  asked Jackie. " Well, as I predicted, Matt didn't remember anything after them fixing his bones," replied Inez. " I figured he wouldn't remember trying to fend off the noodle people," laughed Jackie. " I told him, and he was shocked that I humored him as long as I did," replied Inez.  " Nice, hey, talk to you later. My family is about to prison riot about not getting their pancakes," said Jackie." Banging their cups on the table and chanting ' we want food'? Asked Inez. " Yup, Bob's been working extra prison security this week. He learned a few things," replied Jackie. 

A few hours later, Inez got another text. " I'm bored, need stimulation," texted Matt. " Inez decided to send Junior up with a deck of cards.

" ok, wanna play go fish?" Asked Matt. " ok, Daddy," agreed Junior.
" Got any 3s?" Asked Matt. What do 3s look like?" Asked Junior. " This is gonna be a long game," thought Matt.
" Daddy, I can't count yet," said Junior. " Yeah, I think your mom made a mistake in the card deck she gave you," agreed Matt. " What do we do now?" Asked Junior. " Hmm, wanna play ispy?" Asked Matt. OK, Daddy. I'll go first, " said Junior." I spy something green."  " Hmm, is it my shirt?" Asked Matt. " No, try again," said Junior. " ok, is it outside?" Asked Matt. " No, keep trying," said Junior. " I give up," said Matt. " ok, it's the green spot that gets bigger on the wall," said Junior.
" eww, that's mold. How did I miss that??" Asked Matt.

" What's mold?" Asked Junior. " it's a wet, green thing that can create health issues," explained Matt.  " Like your leg?" Asked Junior. " No, that was because a cow dropped a bunch of stuff on it," smiled Matt. " ohh ok. Any other ideas?" Asked Junior. " Hmm, go grab a book. I might not be able to move, but I can still read with you, " suggested Matt. " ok, Daddy," agreed Junior.  Soon, Junior came back with a book, and the 2 spent the next half hour reading.

Inez checked on the 2 and took a picture of them reading. " See? I knew this would help, " said Inez. " Yup, once we weren't trying to count or noticing mold, we started to have fun," agreed Matt. 

" Well, I got our other 2 kids to be quiet. I put them in their playpen so I could do some things, " said Inez.
" Good, when is dinner?" Asked Matt.
" a half hour. It's chicken legs. I figured I'd make it really easy, " said Inez.

" You know, I don't recall getting hurt as much as  i have since becoming an adult. I wonder what happened," said Matt. " Well, as I recall, you didn't believe my aunt was a gypsy when you met her at our wedding.  You also went on to make fun of the fact, AND you didn't believe in curses. She was offended and put the gypsy curse on you, " replied Inez.
" I STILL say she's no gypsy, AND that she's just a weird old lady," grumbled Matt.  " And that was 7 years ago. If you would apologize, she'd lift the curse, " explained Inez
" I'll live the rest of my life as a clutz before I admit to believing in gypsies," said Matt.

Inez groaned. " I'm not surprised. You've had a rough few days. Try and get a little sleep before dinner, " she suggested. " ok, get me up when dinner is ready," said Matt.
Inez got Matt up a half hour later and gave him his dinner. She proceeded to get the kids their dinner.
" ok, what are the chances all 3 of you can behave through the whole meal??" Asked Inez.
" Not very good," replied Junior. At that moment, Ernest and Leroy were throwing their bottles at a wall. " Well, those are gonna make a mess. Good thing I use plastic, " groaned Inez as she picked them up off the floor. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Junior try to hide a vegetable." I saw you hide that spinach, eat it," said Inez. " but Daddy hides his spinach. Why doesn't he get yelled at??" Asked Junior.  " I'm thinking about starting to yell at him for that. He's setting a bad example by hiding stuff he doesn't like in front of you, " groaned Inez.  " so I shouldn't hide my vegetables?? " Asked Junior. " nope, you should just eat them, and maybe you'll learn to like them" explained Inez.

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