moving forward

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3 days later, Matt was cleared to move around more.
" ok, I got a pair of crutches so you can move around," explained Inez. " Great, I haven't been on my back for more than a week since that time the bunk above me fell on top of me while in the Navy," replied Matt.

" I remember that one. You were fresh out of  Radio school and got your first assignment. I was worried your ship would sink because the enemy would attack, " replied Inez.

"After that incident, the ship put in more bolts so the beds wouldn't even rattle," said Matt. " ok, so I guess my aunt isn't a gypsy. You were having bad luck BEFORE we got married. " said Inez." Yup, Jackie was telling the kids about when I stepped under a ladder AND crossed a black cat's path on Friday the 13th, " replied Matt. " I remember now, you got hit by a bus right after that. Agreed Inez. " Yup, and I STILL didn't get hurt as bad as when that bunk fell on me," explained Matt.

" You almost became like Flat Stanley," said Inez. " Yeah, but not quite, I broke several ribs, both arms, and both legs," replied Matt. " Was that your only accident in the 8 years you were active in the Navy?" Asked Inez. " No, but it was the most painful," replied Matt." And that's beating out dropping the shells for the big anti-aircraft guns on my foot." " But you were a radio operator," said Inez. " Yeah, this was during basic training," replied Matt.

"Well, Bob and Jackie are coming over later. I thought we'd celebrate your release from quarantine, " smiled Inez. " That sounds pretty good. Now help me figure these crutches out," replied Matt.


Bob and Jackie brought the kids over as the group celebrated. " So Inez says you haven't been flat on your back since an accident in the Navy," said Bob. " Yeah, I had minor accidents, but only really 1 major accident," replied Matt. " I was a sniper in the Marines. If there was an accident there, then you were dead, " said Bob. " I'm glad I was in front of a radio," smiled Matt.

Meanwhile, the kids were playing on the floor. " Hey, let's see how high we can build this tower of blocks," suggested Junior. " Yay! I'll get more blocks, " laughed Laura. " ok, but if it falls over, don't let it fall on my foot," Matt reminded them. " ok, let's start building," said Junior.

They got a few feet up when Franklin, Ernest, and Leroy crawled close to the tower. " Watch it, Franklin," warned Laura. Franklin smiled at his sister, then crawled away.  Soon Ernest and Leroy were interested in the tower. " watch out," warned Junior.  After a few more minutes, they couldn't put any more blocks on top.  At that moment, Leroy crawled backward into the block tower.  " RUN! Yelled Laura. The blocks came down right on Matt's foot. Matt yelped, and all 3 infants started crying.  Jackie and Inez heard all the noise and came running in. " What happened?" Asked Jackie. " The kids built a block tower. One of the babies backed into it, and the tower fell on Matt's foot, " explained Bob. Well, can you help get the kids ready for dinner?" Asked Jackie. " Sure, what do you need?" Asked Bob. " I need you to get the extra high chair set up," replied Jackie.

Once Bob set up the 3rd high chair, he helped get the infants in their chairs.
" ok, I'm still figuring these things out. I'm coming it's just gonna be a bit slow, " said Matt. " I'll heat your plate up last then," replied Inez. " What's for dinner?" Asked Bob. " potroast, I figured we all could use some protein," replied Inez. " I know I could," laughed Matt as he stumbled in. " Need any help"? Asked Inez. " Can you pull out the chair? I think I'm getting this walking down, " replied Matt.

After everybody ate, the adults found some old home movies, and Jackie brought some of Bob.
The first one up was Jackie playing pirates with an old piece of cardboard from wrapping paper. " Wow, it's Jumpin Jax the little pirate," laughed Inez. " I forgot about that one. I was so little, " smiled Jackie. Bob and Matt just laughed. " Mommy was so little," said Laura. " Yup, I was as little as you are now," smiled Jackie.

Next was Bob winning the state football championship. " I still have the stamina from high school," smiled Bob. " I've seen it when you realize you lost sight of the kids," laughed Jackie. " That doesn't happen to Bob as often as it does to Matt, I'm sure," smiled Inez. " Well, we have 3 kids, and Bob has 2, so you try it," replied Matt. " I still have my MVP trophy," smiled Bob.

Next up was Inez winning the school Spelling Bee. " Wow, I couldn't spell Mississippi when I was in 1st grade," said Jackie. " Spell it, I couldn't even pronounce it," replied Matt. " I was born with a dictionary in my hand," smiled Inez. " Do you still have the trophy?" Asked Jackie. " Yup, it's in my home office," replied Inez.

The next one was Matt getting a  jack in the box. " Wow, you definitely didn't like how that clown came out," said Jackie. " How long do you cry?" Asked Bob. " until mom calms me down," replied Matt. " Now we know it was the jack in the box and NOT the baby mobile that started the clown fear," said Inez. " Why did daddy start crying?" Asked Junior. " Because the clown jumping out like that scared daddy," replied Inez. Then, the last part shows a balloon popping and further scaring a crying Matt. "  at least I'm not afraid of balloons," laughed Matt.

After another hour, it was time for the kids to go to bed.

Bob picked up Laura, and Jackie picked up Franklin. " That was a great time," said Jackie. " Yeah, we all had fun," agreed Bob.  Inez watched as they loaded up the kids. " Yeah, it was a good night. But It looks like it's not just bedtime for the kids, " Inez laughed. " Jackie giggled as she saw all 3 kids sleeping on the floor and Matt sleeping in his chair. " Well, he might've overdone it being the first day he can move," said Jackie.

After Jackie left, Inez tucked in her 3 kids and just gave Matt a blanket. " I better get to bed myself," smiled Inez.

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