Final Countdown

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Inez got up the next day and decided to check on her family.

Ernest and Leroy were starting to fuss, so Inez changed their diapers. After that, they went back to sleep.
" I think they're starting to stink more," Inez thought to herself.

She then checked on Junior and Matt. They wound up sleeping with each other the night before. Junior was under Matt's arm and looked secure. Both were still sleeping soundly. Inez smiled at the thought of a quiet morning.

Meanwhile, Jackie was having a not so quiet morning. 

" Laura, finish your oatmeal before it gets cold," said Jackie. " But I don't want oatmeal," whined Laura. " Well, I'm not giving you anything else," replied Jackie.  Franklin spilled his baby food on the floor. " I'll get it," smiled Bob. " Thanks, it's been crazy today," smiled Jackie. " You need a break, I'm not working today, so I can handle things here," suggested Bob.
" Great, I need to try and get some work done. Don't let Laura talk you into giving her something besides oatmeal, " replied Jackie. " right, I can do that" agreed Bob. Jackie smiled as she walked into her home office.
A few pictures hung on the wall. " it feels like a hundred years since I met Bob on that blind date." Jackie got to work on her latest book.

Meanwhile, Inez was enjoying the quiet, knowing it wouldn't last. After a few minutes, she heard Ernest and Leroy start crying again. " well, I guess 2 are up for the day" thought Inez, as she ran to check on them. Inez walked in to see both infants hopping up and down while holding onto the railing. " yup, I was right, they're ready for the day" she smiled. After putting Ernest and Leroy in their high chairs ,Inez checked on Matt and Junior. She walked in and saw Matt hopping on his non- injured leg, trying to grab his crutches. " hey, looks like you could use a hand" said Inez. " that'd be nice" replied Matt. Inez started clapping. Matt ignored the joke and continued trying to grab the crutches. " ok, I've had my fun, let me help you" Laughed Inez, as she handed Matt his crutches. " ok, now that I'm up, what's for breakfast?" Asked Matt. " let me get Junior up, then we can all enjoy some pancakes 🥞" replied Inez.

Meanwhile, Bob had finally convinced Laura to just eat her oatmeal. " come on, oatmeal is good for growing girls" said Bob. " but I like cereal" replied Laura. " when you can cook, then you can pick your breakfast, until then you  eat what your mother makes" explained Bob.  Franklin, Meanwhile, was finishing his baby food. Bob discovered that Franklin didn't like spinach or artichokes. " I don't blame you, I don't like spinach and artichokes either" Laughed Bob.
Franklin banged his hands on his highchair in agreement. Laura laughed, as she finished her oatmeal.  " what are we doing today?" Asked Laura. " I fixed your tricycle, so if I keep an eye on you, then you can practice in the driveway" suggested Bob. " ok, daddy" replied Laura. " soon, you'll be big enough for a big kid bike" said Bob. " will it be hard?" Asked Laura. " yup, even some adults can't ride bikes" explained Bob. Laura wasn't sure about that, but she enjoyed riding her tricycle in the driveway.

Meanwhile Inez was cleaning up after breakfast. " Mommy, when will Daddy's leg be better?" Asked Junior. " hopefully, Friday" replied Inez. " hey, where's the TV remote??!" Yelled Matt. " I'll check in a second, just sit down" Inez yelled back. " ok, anything I can do?" Asked Matt. " no, remember? I told you to take it easy until Friday" Inez reminded him.  " oh yeah, I HATE this" replied Matt. " I know, but this stuff happens" replied Inez.  " Mommy, I'm bored" said Junior, as he came in. " hmm, after I put your brothers down for a nap we can go outside" said Inez. " ok mommy" agreed Junior.  Inez handed Matt the TV remote. " ok, do you need anything before I put the boys down?" Asked Inez. " no, I can wait" replied Matt. " ok, this shouldn't take long" said Inez. " only 3 more days, then this thing comes off" thought Matt. 

Meanwhile, Bob was playing with Laura in the driveway and Franklin was eating dirt. " looking good" smiled Bob. Laura smiled as she pedaled up and down the driveway.  Franklin waddled over to watch what Laura was doing. " watch this Franklin" Laura smiled at her little brother.  Franklin sat down and watched his sister pedal around the driveway.  Jackie decided to take a break and watch her family outside. Bob had his video camera out and was taping his 2 kids interacting.
" this is adorable" Jackie smiled. " yeah they've been at it for a half hour now" replied Bob.

" I love it when they get along" smiled Jackie. Yeah, in the fall, Laura starts preschool. I know he'll adjust, " said Bob. " I'm sure he will too," agreed Jackie.

Meanwhile, Inez was playing outside with Junior.

" I grabbed some chalk, since your dad hasn't gotten around to trying to salvage your tricycle. I TOLD him to check the driveway before pulling out."  explained Inez. " I know Mommy. Daddy said a couple bad words when he ran over it" replied Junior. " ohh, I remember, he needed to replace alot of parts underneath his truck because your tricycle got stuck. Then it dragged and parts started falling off the bottom" replied Inez.

Inez and Junior played with the chalk for an hour. The Idea was to make sure the babies didn't get woke up. Meanwhile, Matt had gotten bored just watching TV and was trying to figure out what he could do without moving. He decided to text Inez for ideas. " try reading 📚 since you don't need to read kids' books, you shouldn't fall asleep," Inez replied.
" Good idea, there's a book on the table. I hope it's a good one" Matt texted back.

Meanwhile Bob and Jackie brought Laura and Franklin inside. " ok, how about you play a game with Daddy, so Mommy can change Franklin's diaper" suggested Jackie.
Bob gestured to a checkerboard, and Laura smiled " I like playing checkers with you, Daddy. " I like playing checkers with you too," Bob agreed. Once Jackie finished changing Franklin, she sat in on the game. " you're getting good Laura" smiled Jackie. " yeah, she's got me cornered already" agreed Bob. " you know, Inez was telling me that Matt is bored out of his skull, maybe he can teach Junior to play checkers" suggested Jackie.  " he'd have to count for him because I have to count for Laura," replied Bob.  " maybe Laura can teach him. Matt's leg will be healed by Friday, so everybody will be happy"  smiled Jackie.

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