The big break

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A couple weeks after the burn incident, Inez was hoping to avoid any ER trips for a while.

" ok boys, you can go play outside, but please be careful," said Inez, " and essentially, that translates to: Junior, don't let them crawl into anything."

Meanwhile, Matt was fighting with the cow. " Come on, I know you got milk in there. Stop holding out on me, " he said. Well, ol' Bossy wasn't having it that morning. Bossy didn't really appreciate Matt grabbing her udders with cold hands every morning. She figured that she would liven things up a bit and NOT cooperate just this once.

She moved her eyes back behind her to see if he was going to dare to touch her with those cold hands again. " ok, let's try this again," Matt said, rubbing his hands together. " he's not seriously thinking that I'm gonna just let him touch my udders with cold hands IN a cold barn, is he??" The cow thought to herself.

The second Matt touched that cow, and her pupils got really small. She let out a very loud mooing sound. " MOOO!" Matt recognized what was about to happen. " Uh oh, now listen up, Bossy, I'm in charge here. I order you to calm down and NOT attack me, "Matt commanded. Well, that nasty old cow wasn't listening. Inez, luckily, heard all the commotion.

The boys were playing in a mud puddle when they saw Inez run into the barn.
She got there just in time for the kicking. Bossy had decided to do a little kicking. She had kicked over the stool, pail, and a few random objects. Matt tried to slip away out the back, but Bossy had seen him. She kicked over a pile of junk that hadn't been thrown away. This added a domino effect. Finally, this effect knocked over a pile of lumber. The lumber fell on the retreating Matt. After Inez calmed the cow down, she started pulling the pile off Matt.

Inez heard some grunts and groans as she removed the pile. " ok, is anything hurt?" Asked Inez. " Nothing hurts, except for my left leg. That crazy cow probably broke it, " grunted Matt. " ok, just put all your weight on the other leg and lean on me," instructed Inez. After a few minutes, Inez managed to help Matt into her car. " ok, I'm gonna call Jackie. Maybe she can watch the boys, " said Inez.
" Sure, I can watch the boys," replied Jackie." I wouldn't want to be that cow right now."

Meanwhile, at the hospital:

" You know, I might have to turn that cow into hamburger," said Matt. " Well, it could be worse. You could've been a lot closer to her foot than you were, " replied Inez.

The 2 were waiting to get an x ray. " ok, how do you think the x ray will turn out?" Asked Matt. " I'm gonna say broken in 2 places," replied Inez.
Finally, the nurse came and got them started on the x ray.

Meanwhile, at home, Jackie had her hands full. Jackie had called Bob to explain the situation. " ok, so in a bizarre accident, the cow got mad, kicked everything in sight, and likely broke Matt's leg," said Bob. " Yup, and I promised I'd watch the boys until they got back," replied Jackie. " ok, I'll make dinner then. The ER can take forever, " replied Bob. " You're the best. I'm glad I married you, " smiled Jackie as she hung up. Her attention turned to the 3 boys jumping in a big mud puddle. " Well, I better get the hose," thought Jackie.

Meanwhile, at the hospital 🏥 it was tough going. First Inez had to help get Matt on the x ray table. She had to tune out the painful sounds he made as they positioned him. " I still stand by my bet of 2 places," said Inez. " Well, I think it's 1 place but busted good," replied Matt.

After the x ray, they sat and waited.
After 20 minutes, the doctor showed them the results.

"OK, it looks like we have 2 solid breaks. Luckily, we can just put those back in place, " said the doctor. " What is the best option?" Asked Inez. " Well. We"d just put a cast on it and make sure the patient doesn't put any weight on it for 8 weeks," explained the doctor. " 8 weeks?? But we live on a farm. I have work to do!" Yelled Matt. " Not for 8 weeks. You need to just stay off that foot. It also needs to stay elevated for a couple of weeks, " explained the doctor. " How about I pick up a book on farm chores so I can do them while your leg heals?" suggested Inez. " That, plus the boys will be hard to balance. And let's not forget that I can't do anything for myself for a couple weeks, " said Matt. " Well, I'm hoping Junior can help me out with all 3 issues," said Inez.
" Well, there's mistake #1. He's not old enough to even change a diaper, " said Matt. " Yeah, maybe the babysitting thing is a bit of a stretch. I know he can do smaller things like clean up after himself, " agreed Inez. " There you go, think small things," said Matt. " Good, the doctor is coming in to set those broken bones," said Inez. " Is this going to hurt?" Asked Matt. " it depends on pain tolerance. Now, when I count to 3, you'll feel something, possibly pain in the area that's broken, " explained the doctor. " ok, will the possible pain linger, or will it go away?" Asked Matt.
" we"ll know in a second. Now, I'm going to push these bones back into place. I have the plaster and cloth right here, so it'll be quick, " said the doctor.
"  YEOW!! HOLY COW THAT HURTS!!" Yelled Matt.  " ok, hold still so we can wrap this up," said the doctor.

Meanwhile, Jackie was discovering the difficulty of 3 kids. " Where did you find this bug, and why did you put it up your nose, Ernest?". Asked Jackie. " Bug, go up, nose," replied Ernest. " Great, well, at least Franklin isn't doing that yet," groaned Jackie. Bob was dealing with Laura trying to find something her and Franklin both liked. They settled on coloring. " You know that you're supposed to color inside the lines, right?" Asked Bob. " That makes more sense," agreed Laura, as she made an effort to color in the lines. Franklin just colored the way he was before. " I wonder how your mother is doing" said Bob.

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