" well, this is going to be fun"

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Jackie finally got the 3 boys to do something quiet. She decided to call Inez and see how things were going.
" Oh, not bad. We're heading home now. Incase your wondering, that cow did break Matt's leg in 2 places, " said Inez. " Well, somebody is gonna go stir crazy in a couple of days," laughed Jackie. " Don't I know it?" Laughed Inez.

  " How's the patient?" Asked Jackie. " they gave him some good painkillers before we left. Think about  Barney Gumble, and that's his condition. Seriously, every 3rd word is actual English. The rest is extremely slurred and probably nonsense, " explained Inez. " That'll be an interesting ride," said Jackie. " Yeah, plus none of what he's currently saying makes sense. It's pretty random. You'd think he was on drugs, " said Inez. " But he IS on drugs, heavy pain killer for a broken leg," said Jackie. " Yeah, I guess you're right," laughed Inez. " Well, I better go. Your boys are building a race car track and taking turns opening their mouths at the end to swallow the car," said Jackie.

In the car:

Inez was pulling out of the parking lot at the hospital. " Hey, we're being invaded by noodle people," said Matt. " Don't worry, they have issues with cars. One more stop, then we"ll ride out the invasion, " said Inez. " ok, they might be evolving.  Now they drive like old ladies, " said Matt. " No, those are actually old ladies. They actually kinda look like noodles, " replied Inez.
" ok, I'll just keep the window rolled up," said Matt.

" ok, I'm gonna just get your pain medication, then we"ll go home," said Inez. " Hopefully, he just sits quietly. I'm not sure how much more I can ham up an invasion, " she thought.
It took a little bit to get the medication. She had a bit of trouble remembering Matt's birthday. Once she remembered,it was really quick. " ok, this is Hydrocodone. It's powerful, and it's important to follow the instructions, " explained the pharmacist. " ok, I'll remember. Can this make a patient drowsy?" Asked Inez." Yeah, this is powerful stuff, so it's a good chance," replied a pharmacist. Inez paid for the medication and got in the car.

" Oh, thank god, you didn't get caught by the noodle people. They evolved again, I saw them stopping at traffic lights, " said a happy Matt. "  Yup, luckily, there were no noodle people in the pharmacy," said Inez." Now, let's get you home."

Finally, they pulled into the driveway. Inez texted Jackie. " we're back. I'm gonna need help. Also, Matt thinks we're being invaded by noodle people. "  " Noodle people?? They gave him the good stuff, didn't they? " Laughed Jackie. " Yeah, let me just make sure your kids aren't in the way." " much appreciated. We just need to keep the left leg off the ground. He won't remember anything else, " explained Inez. " Sounds easy. Let's do this," agreed Jackie.

This took a while. Apparently, moving a half awake man with a broken leg isn't as easy as it looks. A few grunts and groans later, they managed to get a semiconscious Matt in the bed.

" ok, it won't be hard to keep his leg elevated today, but tomorrow is when the challenge begins," said Inez. " ok, so what do we do now?" Asked Jackie. " Hmm, I guess we just get him to sleep off the heavier medication. Then figure out tomorrow, " replied Inez.
" sounds good. I better head out. Bob made dinner, so I better be there to salvage it, " laughed Jackie.

" Thanks for helping out today, Jackie," smiled Inez. " No problem, but I'd watch those kids. They were doing some really dumb stuff, " smiled Jackie. " Don't i know it. I hope I can balance all this stuff that's going on, " replied Inez. A few minutes later, Matt tried to start building a fort " to keep out more noodle people." " ok, on that note, I'll talk to you later," said Jackie.
" Hey Jackie, get in my fort. Trust me, it'll be safer!" Called Matt. " Uh, I'm ok.  Bob's been fortifying our house, " Jackie replied.

" ok, time to work on knocking Matt out for awhile," thought Inez.

Meanwhile, Jackie pulled in her driveway.

" Hey, how's my favorite woman?" Asked Bob. " I'm good. I'm tired, though, " replied Jackie. " I bet you are. It's hard watching 3 rowdy boys all day, " smiled Bob. " that, and I had to deal with Matt's insistence that we are being invaded by noodle people," laughed Jackie. " So, did he name them yet?" Asked Bob. "No, he mostly fears them," replies Jackie.

" Wow, they really loaded him up on pain pills," said Bob. " Yeah, Inez is currently trying to get him to sleep the medications off," replied Jackie. " Well, I had an interesting day. Laura was drawing on the wall. Luckily, she was drawing flowers. Then Franklin spit up on me twice, " said Bob.

eww, what was he eating? And I hope you punished Laura, " said Jackie. " he was trying strained spinach and carrots. I also took away Laura's tv time, " replied Bob. " sounds disgusting, and good job," said Jackie. " Ready for dinner? Asked  Bob. ' Is it burned, charred, or salty?" Asked Jackie. " No, Laura actually ate it," replied Bob." Impressive," smiled Jackie.

Meanwhile, Inez was trying to get Matt to go to sleep.

" ok, the army is going to destroy the noodle people. This won't affect humans who go to sleep before they drop the bomb. They're going to use a water bomb. They will be weak and limp. Then the army will put them all in a giant pot and cook them, " explained Inez. " ok, I feel better now," said Matt. " Good, now go to sleep," replied Inez.  " ok, see you after the noodle people are destroyed," yawned Matt. " Inez made sure he was comfortable. " I'll just stand here for awhile," smiled Inez.  After a few minutes, Inez heard  Matt's usual loud snoring. " Good, once he sleeps the meds off, that'll be the end of the noodle people" Inez thought to herself.

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