day four // chloe

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Luke: hey :-)

Chloe: hey

Luke: are you okay?

Chloe: no

Luke: what's wrong babe

Chloe: jake and i

Luke: what did that douche do i had a bad feeling of him

Chloe: he

Luke: he what?!

Chloe: i caught him kissing my best friend on my couch

Chloe: and his excuse was he got caught in the moment

Luke: he didnt pull away when you saw?

Chloe: no. I dont even think he noticed. He just pulled away when i slammed the door but he kissed her again. I was peeking through the window.

Luke: do you want me to come over?

Chloe: yes please

Luke: do u wanna cuddle too

Chloe: ofc why the hell not

Luke: on my way

I turned off my phone and got dressed in plain black shirt and black pants with y red flannel and black converse.

I got my twix bars from my cupboard and put them in my pocket and hope Chloe likes them.

I ran down my stairs and nearly tripped but good thing I was gripping on the railings.

"BYE MUM! I'M GOING OVER TO CHLOE'S" I shouted to my mum, Liz.

"Okay, have fun honey. Be back by seven." She hugged me and went back to making dinner.

I glanced at the clock and it was just 10:00 am.

I'll just order some Maccas takeout and let them deliver it to her house.

Luke: what would you like from Maccas?

Chloe: 6pc mcnuggets witn fries and a caramel sundae

Luke: okay

Chloe: thank you so much Luke

Luke: no problem babe

I dialed Maccas' number (idk if theres a delivery in aus idk but for the sake if the story) and ordered a big mac, large fries, a mcflurry and Chloe's order.

They asked for the address i told them Chloe's.

I ended the call and went to Chloe's. I knocked on her door and her sister, Kayla opened it.

"Hey Luke, if you're looking for Chloe, she's in her room upstairs. First door the the right." She said smiling.

"How did y-"

"She kept texting me saying is Luke there already" She said cutting me off while smirking.

"Oh" I blushed real hard.

"Come in. You don't need to take your shoes off anymore, we always have our shoes on."


I walked in and saw.... Ashton?


"Hey Lukey!!!" He said while giggling then hugging me.

"Why are you here? Not so sound mean but yeah" I asked him, confused.

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