day one hundred five // group chat

747 27 2

Chloe: we're having a mukeloe date after school bc it's a friday :)):):)::):))::)

Kayla: and ure leaving the rest of us......

Luke: well you could have a cashla date or somethin

Chloe: did luke rlly just say cashla

Chloe: is luke

Michael: turning into a fangirl?

Chloe: yes

Luke: having a girlfriend that fangirls over everything isn't easy

Michael: true

Kayla: how do you say so

Michael: well you're my girlfriend?

Kayla: oh yeah right

Calum: lol

Michael: hey why don't we make it a mayla + cuke date

Chloe: maycuke

Ashton: it just got worse

Kayla: stick with mayla + cuke ure awful

Kayla: alright i'm coming

Michael: i'll pick you up after school :)

Kayla: okay :)

Calum: i thank kayla and michael for not being too sweet and cheesy

Ashton: unlike two people we know here

Kayla: i agree!!!1!1!1!!

Kayla: and ure welcome calum lol

Ashton: aren't you in class

Kayla: yeah i am

Ashton: you gotta focus, kayla

Kayla: yep i will

Ashton: so bye i guess

Kayla: bye

Luke: i still think kayla and ashton are not themselves

Calum: what happened to the funny convos guys

*•*•*•*•* after school *•*•*•*•*

Luke: what is cashton going to do today


Kayla: of his own bandmates and two random people

Michael: kayla where the fuck are you

Kayla: just got out of class. don't swear.

Ashton: hey don't swear at kayla

Michael: i'm sorry :( hurry please :(

Calum: to answer luke's question, i am actually over at ashton's and i'm really bored because ashton decides to be a boring frog today.

Ashton: a boring frog???

Calum: yes a boring frog

Calum: so just update me on whats going on on ur date wtvr

Chloe: ok

Chloe: luke just picked me up

Chloe: i turned on the radio and gUESS WHAT CAME ON THE RADIO

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