Galactic Warrior Izuku Released!

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Hi. My name is Izuku Shimura. I'm the grandson of Nana Shimura the 7th wielder of OFA. My mother was Inko Shimura. I live in a superhuman society where 90% of the world populace has some form of special ability called a quirk. Usually by the time we reach 4 yrs old our quirks manifest. Mine however took much longer. I was 6 when mine finally manifested. I call it Galaxy Blaster. It grants me flight, energy manipulation, nigh invulnerability, instant regeneration, healing hands, teleportation, I can breathe and survive the vacuum of space, star creations, (I'll go more into detail later on concerning my stars) as well as a few other abilities like mind reading and telepathy, superhuman senses etc etc.

Anyway. When I was 4 my mother and her worthless excuse of a husband took me to the quirk doctor. They declared me quirkless like the unfortunate 10% of Earth. My father then beat mother and I. He divorced mother and ran away to America. Mother however knew I was really a late bloomer as the Shimura lines every second generations first born male was a late bloomer with vast power. I am the most powerful of all Shimura. Mother raised me with the help of my aunt and uncle. Her best friend Mitsuki Bakugo and her husband Masaru Bakugo. See the Bakugo family also knew I was to be a late bloomer. They never had a kid as uncle Masaru was unfortunately Sterile due to his quirk. So they saw me as their own as well as a girl they adopted called Kyoka who had a neat quirk called Earphone Jack. She had these Jacks on her Earlobes that she could use that gave her superhuman hearing. She could also produce soundwaves based off her own heartbeat through the jacks. She became my best friend but after the deaths of her parents I had begged them to adopt her and they did. That was awesome and from then on we were best friends.

Even being thought quirkless and attacked by other kids I never let it get me down. Kyoka was always there to help me and I promised her I will be there when she needs me most no matter what! But on my 6th birthday something horrible happened. Mother was killed and I was kidnapped by one All For One. The Merchant of Quirks. He tried to steal my quirk but he couldn't. See mine was special. Because mother was born after OFA was gifted to Nana my quirk gained the immunity to AFO. One For All was my grandmother's second quirk and very powerful as it was a stockpiler quirk that AFO gave his thought to be Quirkless brother 250 years ago. But his brother wasn't quirkless. His quirk was the ability to transfer his quirk via dna ingestion. That quirk was immune to AFO and that part was shared to my quirk as well as OFA. This meant AFO had two quirks he could never take. My "cousin" Tenko Shimura was actually adopted which AFO didn't know. But I met him when I was 6. Tenko became Tomura Shigaraki and was given Decay. He could decay anything all five fingers touched. He was going to use it on me but my quirk manifested halfway through the decay and fully healed me. AFO saw this and quikly came up with a plan.

See he was banking on his successor Tenko being able to steal my quirk if he was given AFO. So he placed Quirk cancelling cuffs on me and held me prisoner. When I was 11 I was given to the Shie Hassaikai. They removed the cuffs to torture me in an effort to steal my regen factor. It failed every time and to avoid me using my power they would place the cuffs back on me after each session but they didn't know my regen factor was able to work even with the cuffs on. When I was not being tortured I was forced to watch them torture an innocent little girl called Eri. That almost broke me. But one day when I was 14 I was able to fight back after they took the cuffs off me. I almost won but they hit me with enough tranq darts to knock me out. They placed me under suspended animation. For two years I was kept as Overhaul's trophy. Unable to move. Unable to help Eri. Or so they thought. Due to being in suspended animation the fools took the quirk cancelling cuffs off me. I could use my telepatjy and mind reading still.

I always helped Eri through that. I would comfort her and tell her my best friend will help me save her one day she became my daughter from then on and always called me papa which I loved. She would see it soon as during my 16th year my friend had reached my outer limits of mind reading and telepathy range. She had become the sound hero Siren. She took up a work study with Sir Nighteye. (A horrible fake hero bastard who got his comeuppance upon my release) One day her and her partner Lemillion were within my range and I used telepathy to bring them to an alley that I sent Eri to I did not let them know who I was as didn't want to break Kyoka's heart by her not being able to find me if things went south. See I told Eri how to escape the facility we were trapped in. Eri ran for her life and bumped into Kyoka Bakugo. I did my best to tell Kyoka to run with Eri. But Lemillion refused to listen to my pleas.

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