Time Goes By! Feelings Unveiled!

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     A week has passed since Melissa myself and Eri joined UA. Melissa and myself receive our International Pro Hero Licenses. I am Galactic Warrior Star Blaster and Melissa chose Titania the Queen of Tech! I chose Star Blaster due to my stars and the blaster portion of my quirk name. Melissa chose Titania as it was the queen of elves name in many anime and comic books. Eri has come out of her shell a bit and thankfully Melissa, Kyoka, and the other 1A girls have helped her a lot. As has Nejire and the other members of the big 3.

    We learned that the UA cultural festival was taking place in a couple of weeks.  A week later and we finally started to work on our classes project. Kyoka and I came up with the idea to perform a few songs with the other members being a dance crew. Kyoka came to me during rehearsals help choosing who to be in the band. We chose it rather quickly and I blew everyone away with my drum skills. Just as Kyoka went plus ultra with her amazing singing voice. Kyoka and I would be singing together for it.  The class as a whole chose Eri to be our essential mascot who would dance alongside the 1A members. She was a bit nervous but we got her to trust us and try to be brave. She was happy by the time of the cultural festival as she had grown to love the idea and we had all helped her dancing.

      As we were all preparing to hit the stage Gentle Criminal and La Brava entered my mind reading range. I quickly apprehended them and handed them over to Tsukauchi.  After that I returned with plenty of time to spare. We all quickly took our places as the lights died down. Eri was standing in front of the class on the stage with the spotlight on her as she looked down and I smiled as we blasted out the beginning of the song soon the rest of 1A and the band could be seen.  We were blasting out the beat as Kyoka and I began singing and the dancers started moving to the beat. Soon everyone in the audience was on their feet cheering us on and Eri was dancing her little heart out making so many students, civilians, and staff snap pics of her and cheered along with her. Close to the end Melissa got beside Eri and to the surprise of the audience handed her a microphone allowing her to belt out the last bit of the song alongside Kyoka and I.

     It was awe inspiring to all those who knew how Overhaul tortured Eri and myself. They were all crying tears of Joy for our performance and little Eri's dancing and singing. That night nearly the entire staff as well as Mitsuku and Masaru Bakugo and the parents of the other class members were having a huge party to celebrate our performance. The parents all were blown away when they learned myself and Eri had been kept as lab experiments and due to my awakening I had saved Eri as well as all those involved in the raid on the hero side. Everyone took tons of pics of Eri and her amazing smile. I enjoyed it a bunch as for the first time in so many years myself and Eri were finally treated with kindness and care.

     The good times didn't last forever though as a couple weeks later Endeavor and Hawks were forced to fight a High End Nomu. After a long hard fought battle Endeavor stood victorious but just barely. A few days later it was decided that Melissa and myself would create a hero agency in Musutafu. We did as the team of Galactic Will. Currently we had Kyoka, Shinso, and Yaoyorozu as our work study students. As time went by the trio as well as myself and Melissa had proved ourselves as we took down a ton of villains as well as had participated in dozens of Rescue efforts alongside several top heroes and even aided the wwpc in a few of their own operations throughout Japan. But the good times weren't over quite yet as 4 months later we were all called in to face off against the paranormal liberation front thanks to warnings of the hero turned spy Hawks.

    Melissa joined the Gunga Villa raid team and I was part of the Jaku Hospital raid team. Along with the fully restored Lemillion. The raid on Gunga Villa was a success for the most part as only the LoV managed to escape though a few dozen heroes died during it so yeah. The good thing was Melissa and her mastery of 6 out of the 7 quirks took out the walking disaster Gigantomachia. However the Jaku Hospital raid was not as successful. We learned that while yes Jaku Hospital was where the majority of the Nomu were being kept Tenko and the real Doctor Kyudai Garaki weren't there. A few of Dr. Garaki's clones were however and they activated the High Ends. Over 30 High ends were there and we lost a bunch of top 200 heroes in the melee. I however did manage to take down over a dozen of the High Ends by myself as the rest of the heroes got the remainders. We did however lose Crust during the battle. I was barely able to fully restore Mirko's injured body after I defeated the high ends that had surrounded her. After healing her we took stock of the members of the hospital raid team. We lost many of the minor heroes who decided to try and face off against the high ends instead of listening and retreating. So sadly it was not an all around success. We lost many heroes in these paired raids as society grew to be torn between Heroes and the conflicts. It was not long after that many riots began to take place as well as dozens of escapes from major prisons.

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