LoV's Last Stand pt 2! Conclusions!

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    I stood there smirking at the irate Tenko All For One. He glared at me enraged. Before he launched a massive energy blast that sent me flying. I slammed through a dozen buildings and landed causing a massive fucking crater. "Ow...  Really dude? I may be nigh invulnerable but fuck I can get migraines you dick." I said as I crawled out of the crater with a smiling Tenko looking down at me saying. "Oh well I guess I could take that dreadful pain away from you then Izuku." I look up at him blank faced. "So. What ya gonna do? Ooh will you make the super duper ugly as fuck arm you smacked Ass Might with?" He snarled at me and stomped on my hand. "Okay ow. So what exactly are you gonna do now me bucko?" He glared at me being indifferent to any of the attacks.

    "Hmm. I suppose I can try to use this then!" He shouted as he made a warp gate and tried to close it around my waist. "Sigh. Really bruh? Go ahead." It had closed just enough to touch my body when I warped out. "I can teleport too jackass. Remember?" He stumbled and face palmed. "Fine. Then how bout this!" He roared and used a super powerful energy beam that did manage to pierce my body but the wounds healed immediately. "Instant regeneration." He grumbled. "Try melee attacks dude. Maybe that will work?" I offered and he shouted. "I don't need your goddamn advice. I am 250 mother fucking years old asshole!" I grinned. "Yeah but I'm 16 and 200 points more in IQ. Hehehe!" I smarted off and he slapped the shit out of me sending me flying again. "Soooo fuuuuucking ruuuuude Teeeeenkooo!!!" I shouted as I flew through the air.  Slamming into the trees of the forest of Musutafu. I coughed a bit and swiped the bark and dust off of my body as my cheek stung a bit.

      Tenko warped to me and smirked before he barely saw even a red mark on my face. "Oh come on. How the fuck did that not hurt you? I slapped you as hard as I fucking could!" I smirked. "Aww then how about this for a slap?" I asked as I blitzed to him and slapped him so hard his lower jaw snapped off as he flew a few kilometers away. I warped to him after he landed with a massive cloud of dust sent flying into the sky. I walked up and his jaw finished healing. "Son of a motherfucking bitch that hurt!" I chuckled at him. "Hehehe. True so stop trying to block my attacks with your face. As I mean for intimidation tactics that one is a huge failure." I said with a wide grin.

     "Oh hardee har har asshole!" He said before leaping up and we launched at each other both throwing a flurry of punches and kicks. Not gonna lie dude has some power. Some serious power to manage to cause my body to feel pain. We fight for 20 minutes and if we did not both have regeneration factors this fight would have ended with my slap to him as he has yet to shatter my bones or rupture my organs. I smiled at him. "Hehe damn dude. You got strong as fuck. Too bad so far nothing you have done has affected me." Finally pissed off Tenko started using multiple quirks to attack me. I was able to avoid or block the attacks before he used a powerful combination of muscle augmentation quirks. As soon as he did his muscles were now triple the size he was initially. He began blasting me with insanely powerful attacks that sent me flying and I truly felt the pain. I was slowly losing ground when it came to melee attacks so I would try and go long range with energy blasts and elemental attacks.  Only then were our stengths equal. But he kept managing to get in close and deliver monstrous blows on me. I was so glad for instant regen. Without that he'd have killed me in two blows. I growled at him as I fired off attack after attack. Finally I used star creation to make a sword and a shield. The sword had the ability to fire off powerful energy blasts and the shield could absorb the impacts of his beastial melee attacks. Slowly I was able to start gaining ground.

     "Gragh! How are you able to do that you weak human?" I heard him yell as I sliced him up and would fire off energy slashes whenever we were at a distance. "You're human too jackass! Stop acting like you're some fucking demon all because you read a comic series and hated how the demon king was bested by a goddamn hero!" He stopped for a moment and I used this opportunity to slice off his arms and jump back before I fired off an energy slash. The slash hit him but after the smoke settled his arm had already grew back. "Son of a bitch. This is going to take forever!" I roared as I held him in my telekinesis and began flinging him around then attacking with my sword and shield every chance I got. After 30 minutes of this we both started to fire off our max energy blasts which I was the obvious winner in. But due to his regeneration factor he could heal just as I could so it was an impasse essentially.

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