World Changing Events!

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         There we all stood in Nezu's office before a bound and gagged Ass Might. Nezu, Midnight, and Aizawa as well as myself, Eri, Kyoka, Kirishima, Mirio, Uraraka, Asui, Hado, and Amajiki. I smiled before speaking. "Nezu before we go into the full list of crimes I have 2 small requests. One of Eri, Momo Yaoyorozu, and Aizawa. The other to retrieve Melissa Shield from I-Island. Can we do them?" Nezu smiled as he figured out my plans. He nodded and I set Eri down and made my request. "Snowball. May I ask you to use your awesome power to restore All Might's quirk? Aizawa here can stop your quirk when I say so. Once done Kyoka's friend Momo Yaoyorozu can make you a powerful bracelet to keep the quirk at bay." Eri looked scared of course as Nezu called Momo to his office.

    The students looked confused until I said. "Guys I can read minds not just communicate telepathically. I read about Momo Yaoyorozu and her powers from the 1A class. She can help little Eri here control her quirk." They smiled as they finally understood the situation. They all had been made privy of Rewind before the mission so they knew Eri was overpowered as a mofo. Shortly after Momo arrived and saw myself and Eri and the bound and gagged Ass Might. She looked confused until Nezu explained the situation. Momo smiled and made the bracelet. "See this Eri? Miss Yaoyorozu used her special gift to make this. I will put it on you for now to demonstrate it's power." Eri nodded and tenderly lifted an arm. I placed the bracelet on her. "Whoa! My curse! It's gone. It really worked papa!" I smiled as the heroes and students had yet to realize my and Eri's father daughter bond. I explained and everyone understood and was proud of the way I helped little Eri as well I explained to Eri that her quirk was not a curse but an extraordinary power that is but a powerful gift. She felt better at hearing that.

       "Okay Eri. We will take the bracelet off then you touch All Might's hand and use your quirk. We will give you space and once I say so Aizawa will use his quirk to stop yours. Then we will place the bracelet back on you and I will go to I-Island and grab Melissa Shield then return here with her. Do you understand the plan Eri?" Eri looked nervous but trusted me and after I removed the bracelet we all stepped back so her power wouldn't accidentally effect us. She started that wild beast of a quirk and after I felt the one year mark was passed I told Aizawa. He stopped her quirk and I placed the bracelet on her and hugged Eri. "See Eri? Just as I promised nobody was hurt. You should rest now little unicorn." I said as Eri was very exhausted from using her quirk. She nodded and smiled as I walked to Kyoka and asked her to hold her. Kyoka smiled and held her gently.

      "Okay everyone. I'm off to I-Island. I'll be back in a few minutes. Uhh make sure Momo Yaoyorozu places the quirk restraints on All Might." I said and warped out. I found Melissa Shield rather quickly as I made it to her mess of a workroom.

      Melissa was crying as I saw wounds on her. "What happened miss Melissa Shield? Why are you injured?" I asked unintentionally spooking the blonde bombshell. "Ahhh!! W-Who a-are y-you?" She asked as she screamed. I smiled softly and introduced myself to her apologizing for scaring her. "I'm sorry for the scare Melissa Shield. I am Izuku Shimura. I recently escaped from my kidnapper and need your aid. But first may I ask what happened to you to cause those injuries?" She relaxed and tried to hide the wounds. "Some.... Some kids here have been using their quirks on me. My father caused a bad incident here and was arrested you see. The kids attack me now as I'm the daughter of a v-villain." I smiled softly at her. "Melissa if I may call you as such. You need not feel bad nor scared of me. I will never use my quirk to hurt you. I will help you let me see your hand." She tentatively held out her hand and shut her eye. I smiled as I used my healing power to rid her of the wounds and scars.

      She blinked for a moment once I finished and examined the wounds which were now gone. "Whoa! You can teleport and heal people?" She asked surprised. I smiled and told her my full power set minus my star creations. She was in awe. I then frowned and told her of Ass Might's quirk and crimes. She was disgusted and outraged at her former uncle figure. "That fucking blonde rabbit haired asshole!!" She swore as I chuckled at her choice of words. "So how about we get vengeance and force his ass to give you OFA?" She blinked looking confused at me. I smiled. "Grab my hand and we will go to UA. He is bound there and I will force him to freely gift you OFA. As well as make him pay for what he did to my mother!" She smiled and stood up she grabbed my hand and said. "That sounds awesome Izuku Shimura. Let's do it!"  I chuckled and warped back to Nezu's office.

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