She Knows(gojo x reader)🌩

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She stared at him with no emotions in her eyes , the eyes that had held love and respect for him for so long .
She smiled at him and handed him his lunch over , gave a small smile amd promised to never bother him again.
The smile that he loved on her lips were no longer his , the love She carried in her eyes would no longer be for him and the only shoulder he could cry on was walking away from him .

His heart was ripped into shreds and he was no longer able to pull off his 'I don't give a fuck' demeanor but he couldn't cry either . He was supposed to be the strongest and he had a reputation to maintain; The only person to have truly Loved him and allowed him to be himself was now walking away and God forbid gojo satorou to cry because his comfort , his safe spot and his ability to express what he truly felt was walking away .

But what exactly happened!?

~5minutes ago~
Y/N walked into the school her boyfriend taught in . Finding him in a secluded corner She approached him. She came there to give him his lunch, his favourite mochi and a new dish She tried making , but upon seeing the strongest sorcerer's face her heart skipped a beat .
He had a single tear running down his face , when their eyes met he quickly wiped the tear

"Oh Y/N you're here, what a surprise !"satorou exclaimed but y/n's brain was in haywire of overprocessing info .
Her boyfriend didn't refer to her as mochi and he was crying .
Flabbergasted and in an attempt to calm gojo down she ran up to him hugging him and whispering consoling words in his ears,
"Love, I know I am not as strong as you are but you know you can trust me with anything right!?
See I won't bother you to tell me what's going on but I am here for you and I'll do my best to understand what you are going through .
Tell me how can I comfort you , hugs , sweets , cuddles what do you want ?
See I brought you your favorites"she said and proceeded to show off the paperbag that carried a little token of love smiling warmly .
Her eyes though worried still showed deepest of the affection and love .

"It's nothing actually just strained my eyes" gojo said clearly hiding the truth . He could trust his lover with anything But her knowing the truth now would hurt her in the long run .
As much as he wanted to keep her all for himself he couldn't not restrict her future for possibilities that may never come true and so he lied again,
"Now that you're here, I wanted to talk about something , I think we should breakup ."

A thousand Emotions flashed on the girls face , she has always been a good actress but my goodness she wasn't expecting this .
She knew though , she knew that being a part of the greatest sorcerer's life would get unpredictable.
Satorou never had to say a thing but she knew that he was being forced to do this , she knew it was because the upcoming circumstances were going to be unpredictable and she knew what was going on in his mind.
Y/N knew that despite wanting to comfort him and tell him what was wrong with his thinking , all she needed to do now was give the man some space and time , and the benefit of doubt .

So even though she knew he would lie she asked him why . Her voice cracked unintentionally and despite knowing everything she did she coated all her Emotions with a mask to avoid confrontation .
"You are of no intrest to me now"said the albino man.

Y/N knew he was lying , she was not stupid . She infact , was the smartest one of them all . She Connected the dots , the tears , the feeble attempts to distance himself from her and the unwillingness to let her go everytime he hugs her but then again she wasn't the most confident of them all so she doubted herself .

Maybe gojo wasn't distancing himself because of all the stupid reasons she thought , what if he really wasn't interested in her now and so she told him or rather promised him to never bother him again .

Leaving the room with heart in shambles and tears welling up .

Y/N had left the room but a reoccurring thought kept bothering her.
She was aware that she could never love anybody as much as she loved gojo , and he may not be interested in her anymore but her theories could also be right so she walked back into the room .

Gojo stood rooted in his spot still processing the sacrifice he made , sacrifice of the love and support he so desperately craved when their eyes met .

He didn't know wether to be relived to see some Emotions in his ex-girlfriends eyes, or kill himself for making her almost cry.
He was sure that you were going to cry once you were back home .

"I don't know why you lost intrest in me satorou but just so you know I am always there for you . I know you are always under great pressure and threats and shit load of burden and you can always come to me for atleast the emotional support .
I may be wrong sato but maybe just maybe I know the true reason of all this and even if you deny it now I am not going to belive it and in the hopes that I am right , I am going to wait for you." You said , giving him the warmest smile you could , a tear finally slipping out of your eye.

This was his girl, the girl he loved , who always understood without him needing to say anything and that is why he decided that even though love is the worst curse of them all , if its with you, he'd happily perish .

You walked out of the room , ready to dedicate everything you had to defeat sukuna and the higher ups just so you can finally be with your man , the man who held the burden of the world; However you were unaware of the newfound motivation you gave to the man .

"Dont worry my sweet little mochi I am not going to make you wait for long , even though I am the strongest my heart would not be able to handle your absence for long . "

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