Touch Starved(megumi x reader)🍈

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Megumi wasn't the type to express his emotions a lot and definitely not the one to share feeling or physical contact .
You on the other hand wore your heart on sleeve and were always eager to stay in physical contact with your loved ones.

Nobody knew how you Two got together, it was very confusing for them as to how was the boy able to accept that he was in love . But despite that it was very obvious that you two were in love , the way you held hands and the way megumi would look at you When you talked was enough to scream at people that you are in love .

But alas the mere hand holding and kissing weren't enough for you anymore. You guys have been dating for a little over a year and that's the only thing you guys did .

You could say that you were evidently frustrated and maybe even touch starved . Megumi never made an initiative so you might have felt a little insecure too .
Recently when you found itadori staring at a girl with a large ass , your insecurities multiplied.
Thoughts of your boyfriend not finding you attractive clouded your mind and now the sadness was very visible on your face .

Megumi may not be a man of many words but the flash of sadness on your face put multiple unasked question on his tongue . A solemn resolve to talk to you about this was made .

Now you were sitting in his room , on his bed still a little gloomy because despite having been in this exact position multiple times you guys never progressed further.

Megumi came out of the washroom looking as hot as always , his sweatpants hanging low on his waist made him look very sexy and the way he blushed on seeing you made his face look absolutely kissable and that did not help your dilemma.
Your head hung low and eyes almost closed in shame and sadness when megumi held your chin and tilted your head so that your eyes could meet .
"Whats wrong angel ?" He asked , his voice wrapped in love.

"Remmber when that tall guy with funky hairdo asked you , what your type was?" You question taking a very indirect approached receiving only a nod in exchange.

"Well you told him about the mentality that you fund attractive but what about the physique?"
Megumi could only blush about your strange question but answered anyway .

"See I said what I said because I couldn't care less about the physique of the girl I fell in love with , I'd love her either way . But Where's this coming from? Could you be a little more direct ?"

"Fine I am gonna say it but it's embarrassing so you better not judge me mister. " megumi could only nod lightly
"Well I've been feeling a little bad about my body because I feelAsIfYouDontFindMeAttractive" you breathed out.

"You do realise I lived with gojo sensei for a good part of my life and can easily decipher the hyperactive sentence in one breath"said megumu making your breath hitch and face turn a bright shade of red.
Yes you were confronting him but you didn't expect tye elephant in the room to be addressed so soon.
Thinking that tge topic couldn't be avoided or jumped around , yoy decided to no longer be shy about it .
Afterall this was a basic in a relationship and if you couldn't talk about it how were yoy supposed to do it ?

"Well if you could decipher it then why don't you say something in the regards .
Do you not find me physically attractive ?" You questioned with a sudden uplift in your confidence level and still a whole lot disappointed.

"Wait so you were pouting the whole day because I didn't initiate sex with you?"megumi questioned in a voice that could barely be heard , but the amusement and confidence in it would be mistaken by only a fool.
He stood there infront if you , eyebrows raised and forcing you to look deep into his eyes a very obvious blush painting his face.

You didn't expect this sort of straightforwardness from your boyfriend, yes he was known for having that particular quality but in your defence he was also as shy as it gets.

"Sort of , I couldn't help But wonder if there was something wrong with me , and hey you and I both know that I wasn't pouting ."

"Oh but yes you were."
"Was not and you're diverting the topic."
"Am I?"He asked while non chalantly brushing his Lips against yours a gentle smile adorning bot your faces .

"I wasn't aware that my angel was ready let alone that desperate. I didn't want you to feel that I was only with you for your body. But now that I know how you feel man there isn't anything that's going to stop me." Megumi said addressing all your doubts .

He deepened the kiss desire lacing the tip of his tongue and hunger engulfing the rest . Hands on your waist pulled you closer . Your bodies tangled in a beautiful mess while your hands could only hold on to his hair .

You weren't sure how long a human could hold it's breath but you knew you guys broke the record that night , painting the night with vigour , passion and love a hint of desperation sprinkled in. Megumi didn't leave a thing for you to doubt by the end of the night and you couldn't be more grateful for addressing the topic.

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