For I Was God.

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Forgive me, I have sinned.

For I was once God, with mankind as my kin.

Only after the end, did I realize my mistake,

I should've never built the land nor the great lake.

Never given more than I could take.


I made the angels, with whips of Jade.

And then the Devil, Each fire a different shade.

And last came the man, destined to never fade.

They believed I was Immortal,

But they never thought of mankind as a whole.

I only live as long as they believe.

And they only believed in me, as long as there was grief.

I sat wavering on the edge of lost,

Tempted to fall sway,

As I sat and watched my world,


Forgive me, I have sinned.

For I WAS God.

For I Was God.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum