Unbound and free.

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I never wanted a name,

Never got used to the money or fame.

But I always wanted to be the one to break open Bastille,

So I set out to find my free will.

I was running like I always do,

Trying to teach myself things I already knew,

Things only known to a few.

I chased the wild,

Seeking knowledge and advise,

I met gods, ancient and wise,

But I became a monster of my own devise,

For some Knowledge are best left alone.

I have earned and lost,

Suffered through sweat and frost.

I became a man,

Who looked out of place.

I looked mad,

In mind and face.

I have murdered.

I have prayed.

I have slaughtered.

I have laid.

Rebounding along with a timeless echo,

I realized this what defines a man.

Not friends or family, enemies or Foe,

It's unbound freedom that makes us human.

It's True,

I am an animal, a disgusting beast.

As a human, I am all I hate to be,

But I found my true nature, my soul,

Unbound and Free.

For I Was God.Where stories live. Discover now