In Its Everlasting Form.

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I can only love if I was loved.

Only care if I was cared.

They pushed, they shoved

I grew up, scared.

I hid in the shadows,

I memorized poverty.

Guided by the dark,

I forgot the language of beauty.

I stole food,

I drank dirt,

My skin turned cardboard,

My eyes leaked dry tears.

I slept to a dream,

And woke up to a nightmare..

And then I became the nightmare

I gave them their share; of pain.

I drove them insane.

I quenched my thirst in blood,

Brought in floods.

They speak of me, a monster,

A loss of life and limb,

The taker of sweet uncharted innocence.

But they don't realize.

That I am no demon, I am no sword,

I am human,

In It's Everlasting Form.

For I Was God.Where stories live. Discover now