Chapter 15

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The knights and girl sat inside the night buzzard, the ship making its way through space on its way to Canto Bight. They had received word that a very high up, very wealthy resistance ally would be there, and kylo wanted to get his hands on him. It was said he knew the locations of many resistance bases, that he was in contact with there general.

The girl stood, making her way over to Vicrul, stopping to stand between his legs. The man frowned, displeased as he looked at her and noticed the marks that now adorned his pets face and arms. "What happened, little one? Who did that to you?" He questioned, taking hold of her jaw and bringing her closer, examining her. "It's alright, master. It doesn't hurt." She reassured him, shaking her head quickly. She didn't wish to get Kuruk in trouble, he hadn't hurt her, really, she barley even felt it anymore.

He gritted his teeth, choosing to ignore the marks, making note that if he saw them again, or anything worse, he would surly tear whoever was responsible to shreds. "Why must I wear this and not my mission clothing?" The girl questioned, gesturing at her dress. The fabric was black, the cut of the garment showing just enough skin to draw any man in.

Gold chains adorned the top of the gown in an intricate pattern, the overall energy of the ensemble giving off luxury and wealth. "It is much easier to complete a mission if you blend in, yes?" Vicrul replied, tipping the girls chin up with his knuckle. "Besides, it suits you." She smiled sheepishly, blushing at the man's compliment.

The sound of the ship landing caught all of there attention, the knights standing, tall and radiating with power as they headed for the ramp. Kylo made his way to the girls side, pulling her closer, presenting a data pad to her with a picture of a man on it. The man was quite young, maybe 28 at most. He had dark hair, dark eyes, and a smirk that had trouble written all over it.

"This is your target, pet. We can't be with you the whole time. The knights draw to much attention. This is your mission and I expect success. Do you understand?" Kylo questioned, his masked face glancing down at the girl as she nodded. "Yes, Master Ren."

"We want him alive, he's no good to us dead. He has vital information we can use on our search for the resistance. So bring him to me breathing." The supreme leader gave her one last look over, making sure her dress was straight and her hair perfectly in place, ready to send her into the canto casino to do as he had instructed.

Grabbing her wrist he clamped what appeared to be a bracelet around her arm, the object metal and a bit heavy. "Press this when you've found him. You are ready. Now go. We will be watching from a far." With that he pushed her forward, walking quickly away with his knights and a hoard of stormtroopers in tow.

The girl leveled her shoulders, tipping her chin up in an attempt to look confident, just as Master Ren had showed her to. She strutted her way into the casino, the sound of music taking over her senses. Patrons, all whom looked to be upper class, dressed in the finest gowns and the most expensive looking suits stood around tables, gambling there nights away.

"Bets on the table. No time to waste" a small man spoke loudly, watching with a satisfied smile as creatures of all race tossed there coins onto the red velvet table tops. The girl made her way carefully through the building, doing all she could to blend in, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to herself, simply wishing to carry out her mission to satisfy her masters.

She searched the crowd for her target, her head on a constant swivel as she tried to locate him. She thought back to what Kylo had told her.

'He'll be at the bar, drunken bastard.'

She turned, making her way over to the sleek back counter top where an alien creature stood, serving drinks to already swaying customers. She rested her arms against the surface, keeping her head down as she examined everyone who passed. She suddenly felt someone run into her, the force of there stumbling almost sending them both to the floor. "My mistake." The man slurred, catching the girl by the waist to keep her upright.

It was him, the target, standing right there before her. She could have easily over powered him in that moment, taken him to the ground and dragged him back to her master, but she knew that would draw way to much attention. She had to come up with a different approach. She rested her hand gently against the man's chest, smiled sweetly up at him, batting her eyelashes.

"Pardon me, I can be so clumsy." She pouted, watching as the man's attention turned to her, seeming intrigued by her. He looked from left to right before his gaze fell back upon her. "What's a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?" He questioned, grabbing a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and offering it to her. She took it, giving him a gracious nod and pretending to take a sip.

"Who said I'm alone?" she giggled, a smirk pulling at her lips as she spoke. He gestured around, calling attention to her lack of an escort. She shrugged. "I'm simply getting a look around for myself. This is my first time on Canto Bight after all." This seemed to spark something in the man. "Well lucky for you I'm quite familiar with the casino. I can show you around if you'd like." He said proudly, puffing his chest at her.

She nodded, thinking if he where to show her around they'd be alone at some point, that would be her opportunity to strike. "I'd love that." With that the man hooked his arm around her own, guiding her through the noisy gambling house, pointing out different activity's and lounge areas as they went. She stayed quiet, simply nodding and smiling up at him to give the delusion that she was entertained.

Once they had finished there tour the man turned, his eyes drooping ever so slightly from the copious amounts of liquor he had consumed. Master kylo was right, he was a drunken bastard. He grabbed hold of her waist, pulling her to him much more roughly then she had expected, the smell of alcohol on his breath taking over her senses making her want to gag. "What do you say I show you my room, order us a few more drinks so we can speak more privately." The look on his face made his true intention very apparent, he had no intention to talk, simply wanting to see what lie beneath that black dress.

She thought for a moment, in the room they would surly be alone, no one around to stop her from knocking the man out and dragging him to her masters whom she hoped where watching her closely. She knew they would help her if anything went array, though nervousness still pulsed through her at the thought of being alone with this strange man. She looked up at him and nodded, giving the okay for him to lead the way to his room.

"I'd love that."

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